Prior to this commit, the following snippet would trigger an error in glcpp:

        #define FOO defined BAR
        #if FOO

The problem was that support for the "defined" operator was implemented within
the grammar, (where the parser was parsing the tokens of the condition
itself). But what is required is to interpret the "defined" operator that
results after macro expansion is performed.

I could not find any fix for this case by modifying the grammar alone. The
difficulty is that outside of the grammar we already have a recursive function
that performs macro expansion (_glcpp_parser_expand_token_list) and that
function itself must be augmented to be made aware of the semantics of the
"defined" operator.

The reason we can't simply handle "defined" outside of the recursive expansion
function is that not only must we scan for any "defined" operators in the
original condition (before any macro expansion occurs); but at each level of
the recursive expansion, we must again scan the list of tokens resulting from
expansion and handle "defined" before entering the next level of recursion to
further expand macros.

And of course, all of this is context dependent. The evaluation of "defined"
operators must only happen when we are handling preprocessor conditionals,
(#if and #elif) and not when performing any other expansion, (such as in the
main body).

To implement this, we add a new "mode" parameter to all of the expansion
functions to specify whether resulting DEFINED tokens should be evaluated or

One side benefit of this change is that an ugly wart in the grammar is
removed. We previously had "conditional_token" and "conditional_tokens"
productions that were basically copies of "pp_token" and "pp_tokens" but with
added productions for the various forms of DEFINED operators. With the new
code here, those ugly copy-and-paste productions are eliminated from the

A new "make check" test is added to stress-test the code here.

This commit fixes the following Khronos GLES3 CTS tests:

 src/glsl/glcpp/glcpp-parse.y                       | 244 +++++++++++++++++----
 src/glsl/glcpp/tests/141-defined-within-macro.c    |  94 ++++++++
 .../tests/141-defined-within-macro.c.expected      |  94 ++++++++
 3 files changed, 387 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/glsl/glcpp/tests/141-defined-within-macro.c
 create mode 100644 src/glsl/glcpp/tests/141-defined-within-macro.c.expected

diff --git a/src/glsl/glcpp/glcpp-parse.y b/src/glsl/glcpp/glcpp-parse.y
index 5db953b..82fba20 100644
--- a/src/glsl/glcpp/glcpp-parse.y
+++ b/src/glsl/glcpp/glcpp-parse.y
@@ -108,18 +108,25 @@ _parser_active_list_pop (glcpp_parser_t *parser);
 static int
 _parser_active_list_contains (glcpp_parser_t *parser, const char *identifier);
+typedef enum {
+} expansion_mode_t;
 /* Expand list, and begin lexing from the result (after first
  * prefixing a token of type 'head_token_type').
 static void
 _glcpp_parser_expand_and_lex_from (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
                                   int head_token_type,
-                                  token_list_t *list);
+                                  token_list_t *list,
+                                  expansion_mode_t mode);
 /* Perform macro expansion in-place on the given list. */
 static void
 _glcpp_parser_expand_token_list (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
-                                token_list_t *list);
+                                token_list_t *list,
+                                expansion_mode_t mode);
 static void
 _glcpp_parser_print_expanded_token_list (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
@@ -177,8 +184,8 @@ add_builtin_define(glcpp_parser_t *parser, const char 
*name, int value);
 %type <expression_value> expression
 %type <string_list> identifier_list
-%type <token> preprocessing_token conditional_token
-%type <token_list> pp_tokens replacement_list text_line conditional_tokens
+%type <token> preprocessing_token
+%type <token_list> pp_tokens replacement_list text_line
 %left OR
 %left AND
 %left '|'
@@ -211,7 +218,8 @@ line:
                    parser->skip_stack->type == SKIP_NO_SKIP)
                        _glcpp_parser_expand_and_lex_from (parser,
-                                                          LINE_EXPANDED, $4);
+                                                          LINE_EXPANDED, $4,
 |      text_line {
@@ -294,7 +302,7 @@ control_line_success:
 |      HASH_TOKEN IF {
-       } conditional_tokens NEWLINE {
+       } pp_tokens NEWLINE {
                /* Be careful to only evaluate the 'if' expression if
                 * we are not skipping. When we are skipping, we
                 * simply push a new 0-valued 'if' onto the skip
@@ -306,7 +314,8 @@ control_line_success:
                    parser->skip_stack->type == SKIP_NO_SKIP)
                        _glcpp_parser_expand_and_lex_from (parser,
-                                                          IF_EXPANDED, $4);
+                                                          IF_EXPANDED, $4,
@@ -338,7 +347,7 @@ control_line_success:
                ralloc_free ($4);
                _glcpp_parser_skip_stack_push_if (parser, & @3, macro == NULL);
-|      HASH_TOKEN ELIF conditional_tokens NEWLINE {
+|      HASH_TOKEN ELIF pp_tokens NEWLINE {
                /* Be careful to only evaluate the 'elif' expression
                 * if we are not skipping. When we are skipping, we
                 * simply change to a 0-valued 'elif' on the skip
@@ -350,7 +359,8 @@ control_line_success:
                    parser->skip_stack->type == SKIP_TO_ELSE)
                        _glcpp_parser_expand_and_lex_from (parser,
-                                                          ELIF_EXPANDED, $3);
+                                                          ELIF_EXPANDED, $3,
                else if (parser->skip_stack &&
@@ -652,31 +662,6 @@ junk:
-       /* Handle "defined" operator */
-               int v = hash_table_find (parser->defines, $2) ? 1 : 0;
-               $$ = _token_create_ival (parser, INTEGER, v);
-       }
-|      DEFINED '(' IDENTIFIER ')' {
-               int v = hash_table_find (parser->defines, $3) ? 1 : 0;
-               $$ = _token_create_ival (parser, INTEGER, v);
-       }
-|      preprocessing_token
-       /* Exactly the same as pp_tokens, but using conditional_token */
-       conditional_token {
-               $$ = _token_list_create (parser);
-               _token_list_append ($$, $1);
-       }
-|      conditional_tokens conditional_token {
-               $$ = $1;
-               _token_list_append ($$, $2);
-       }
        preprocessing_token {
                parser->space_tokens = 1;
@@ -702,6 +687,10 @@ preprocessing_token:
                $$ = _token_create_ival (parser, $1, $1);
                $$->location = yylloc;
+|      DEFINED {
+               $$ = _token_create_ival (parser, DEFINED, DEFINED);
+               $$->location = yylloc;
+       }
 |      OTHER {
                $$ = _token_create_str (parser, OTHER, $1);
                $$->location = yylloc;
@@ -1175,11 +1164,15 @@ _token_print (char **out, size_t *len, token_t *token)
        case COMMA_FINAL:
                ralloc_asprintf_rewrite_tail (out, len, ",");
+       case DEFINED:
+               ralloc_asprintf_rewrite_tail (out, len, "defined");
+               break;
        case PLACEHOLDER:
                /* Nothing to print. */
                assert(!"Error: Don't know how to print token.");
@@ -1512,15 +1505,143 @@ _token_list_create_with_one_integer (void *ctx, int 
        return _token_list_create_with_one_ival (ctx, INTEGER, ival);
+/* Evaluate a DEFINED token node (based on subsequent tokens in the list).
+ *
+ * Note: This function must only be called when "node" is a DEFINED token,
+ * (and will abort with an assertion failure otherwise).
+ *
+ * If "node" is followed, (ignoring any SPACE tokens), by an IDENTIFIER token
+ * (optionally preceded and followed by '(' and ')' tokens) then the following
+ * occurs:
+ *
+ *     If the identifier is a defined macro, this function returns 1.
+ *
+ *     If the identifier is not a defined macro, this function returns 0.
+ *
+ *     In either case, *last will be updated to the last node in the list
+ *     consumed by the evaluation, (either the token of the identifier or the
+ *     token of the closing parenthesis).
+ *
+ * In all other cases, (such as "node is the final node of the list", or
+ * "missing closing parenthesis", etc.), this function generates a
+ * preprocessor error, returns -1 and *last will not be set.
+ */
+static int
+_glcpp_parser_evaluate_defined (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
+                               token_node_t *node,
+                               token_node_t **last)
+       token_node_t *argument, *defined = node;
+       assert (node->token->type == DEFINED);
+       node = node->next;
+       /* Ignore whitespace after DEFINED token. */
+       while (node && node->token->type == SPACE)
+               node = node->next;
+       if (node == NULL)
+               goto FAIL;
+       if (node->token->type == IDENTIFIER || node->token->type == OTHER) {
+               argument = node;
+       } else if (node->token->type == '(') {
+               node = node->next;
+               /* Ignore whitespace after '(' token. */
+               while (node && node->token->type == SPACE)
+                       node = node->next;
+               if (node == NULL || (node->token->type != IDENTIFIER &&
+                                    node->token->type != OTHER))
+               {
+                       goto FAIL;
+               }
+               argument = node;
+               node = node->next;
+               /* Ignore whitespace after identifier, before ')' token. */
+               while (node && node->token->type == SPACE)
+                       node = node->next;
+               if (node == NULL || node->token->type != ')')
+                       goto FAIL;
+       } else {
+               goto FAIL;
+       }
+       *last = node;
+       return hash_table_find (parser->defines,
+                               argument->token->value.str) ? 1 : 0;
+       glcpp_error (&defined->token->location, parser,
+                    "\"defined\" not followed by an identifier");
+       return -1;
+/* Evaluate all DEFINED nodes in a given list, modifying the list in place.
+ */
+static void
+_glcpp_parser_evaluate_defined_in_list (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
+                                       token_list_t *list)
+       token_node_t *node, *node_prev, *replacement, *last = NULL;
+       int value;
+       if (list == NULL)
+               return;
+       node_prev = NULL;
+       node = list->head;
+       while (node) {
+               if (node->token->type != DEFINED)
+                       goto NEXT;
+               value = _glcpp_parser_evaluate_defined (parser, node, &last);
+               if (value == -1)
+                       goto NEXT;
+               replacement = ralloc (list, token_node_t);
+               replacement->token = _token_create_ival (list, INTEGER, value);
+               /* Splice replacement node into list, replacing from "node"
+                * through "last". */
+               if (node_prev)
+                       node_prev->next = replacement;
+               else
+                       list->head = replacement;
+               replacement->next = last->next;
+               if (last == list->tail)
+                       list->tail = replacement;
+               node = replacement;
+       NEXT:
+               node_prev = node;
+               node = node->next;
+       }
 /* Perform macro expansion on 'list', placing the resulting tokens
  * into a new list which is initialized with a first token of type
  * 'head_token_type'. Then begin lexing from the resulting list,
  * (return to the current lexing source when this list is exhausted).
+ *
+ * See the documentation of _glcpp_parser_expand_token_list for a description
+ * of the "mode" parameter.
 static void
 _glcpp_parser_expand_and_lex_from (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
                                   int head_token_type,
-                                  token_list_t *list)
+                                  token_list_t *list,
+                                  expansion_mode_t mode)
        token_list_t *expanded;
        token_t *token;
@@ -1528,7 +1649,7 @@ _glcpp_parser_expand_and_lex_from (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
        expanded = _token_list_create (parser);
        token = _token_create_ival (parser, head_token_type, head_token_type);
        _token_list_append (expanded, token);
-       _glcpp_parser_expand_token_list (parser, list);
+       _glcpp_parser_expand_token_list (parser, list, mode);
        _token_list_append_list (expanded, list);
        glcpp_parser_lex_from (parser, expanded);
@@ -1591,12 +1712,15 @@ _glcpp_parser_apply_pastes (glcpp_parser_t *parser, 
token_list_t *list)
  * *last to the last node in the list that was consumed by the
  * expansion. Specifically, *last will be set as follows: as the
  * token of the closing right parenthesis.
+ *
+ * See the documentation of _glcpp_parser_expand_token_list for a description
+ * of the "mode" parameter.
 static token_list_t *
 _glcpp_parser_expand_function (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
                               token_node_t *node,
-                              token_node_t **last)
+                              token_node_t **last,
+                              expansion_mode_t mode)
        macro_t *macro;
        const char *identifier;
@@ -1665,7 +1789,8 @@ _glcpp_parser_expand_function (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
                                expanded_argument = _token_list_copy (parser,
                                _glcpp_parser_expand_token_list (parser,
+                                                                mode);
                                _token_list_append_list (substituted,
                        } else {
@@ -1705,11 +1830,15 @@ _glcpp_parser_expand_function (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
  *     As the token of the closing right parenthesis in the case of
  *     function-like macro expansion.
+ *
+ * See the documentation of _glcpp_parser_expand_token_list for a description
+ * of the "mode" parameter.
 static token_list_t *
 _glcpp_parser_expand_node (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
                           token_node_t *node,
-                          token_node_t **last)
+                          token_node_t **last,
+                          expansion_mode_t mode)
        token_t *token = node->token;
        const char *identifier;
@@ -1776,7 +1905,7 @@ _glcpp_parser_expand_node (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
                return replacement;
-       return _glcpp_parser_expand_function (parser, node, last);
+       return _glcpp_parser_expand_function (parser, node, last, mode);
 /* Push a new identifier onto the parser's active list.
@@ -1835,11 +1964,28 @@ _parser_active_list_contains (glcpp_parser_t *parser, 
const char *identifier)
 /* Walk over the token list replacing nodes with their expansion.
  * Whenever nodes are expanded the walking will walk over the new
  * nodes, continuing to expand as necessary. The results are placed in
- * 'list' itself;
+ * 'list' itself.
+ *
+ * The "mode" argument controls the handling of any DEFINED tokens that
+ * result from expansion as follows:
+ *
+ *     EXPANSION_MODE_IGNORE_DEFINED: Any resulting DEFINED tokens will be
+ *             left in the final list, unevaluated. This is the correct mode
+ *             for expanding any list in any context other than a
+ *             preprocessor conditional, (#if or #elif).
+ *
+ *     EXPANSION_MODE_EVALUATE_DEFINED: Any resulting DEFINED tokens will be
+ *             evaluated to 0 or 1 tokens depending on whether the following
+ *             token is the name of a defined macro. If the DEFINED token is
+ *             not followed by an (optionally parenthesized) identifier, then
+ *             an error will be generated. This the correct mode for
+ *             expanding any list in the context of a preprocessor
+ *             conditional, (#if or #elif).
 static void
 _glcpp_parser_expand_token_list (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
-                                token_list_t *list)
+                                token_list_t *list,
+                                expansion_mode_t mode)
        token_node_t *node_prev;
        token_node_t *node, *last = NULL;
@@ -1854,15 +2000,23 @@ _glcpp_parser_expand_token_list (glcpp_parser_t *parser,
        node_prev = NULL;
        node = list->head;
+               _glcpp_parser_evaluate_defined_in_list (parser, list);
        while (node) {
                while (parser->active && parser->active->marker == node)
                        _parser_active_list_pop (parser);
-               expansion = _glcpp_parser_expand_node (parser, node, &last);
+               expansion = _glcpp_parser_expand_node (parser, node, &last, 
                if (expansion) {
                        token_node_t *n;
+                       if (mode == EXPANSION_MODE_EVALUATE_DEFINED) {
+                               _glcpp_parser_evaluate_defined_in_list (parser,
+                       }
                        for (n = node; n != last->next; n = n->next)
                                while (parser->active &&
                                       parser->active->marker == n)
@@ -1915,7 +2069,7 @@ _glcpp_parser_print_expanded_token_list (glcpp_parser_t 
        if (list == NULL)
-       _glcpp_parser_expand_token_list (parser, list);
+       _glcpp_parser_expand_token_list (parser, list, 
        _token_list_trim_trailing_space (list);
diff --git a/src/glsl/glcpp/tests/141-defined-within-macro.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b60c042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/glsl/glcpp/tests/141-defined-within-macro.c
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+/* Macro using defined with a hard-coded identifier (no parentheses) */
+#define is_foo_defined defined /*...*/ foo
+#undef foo
+#if is_foo_defined
+#define foo
+#if is_foo_defined
+/* Macro using defined with a hard-coded identifier within parentheses */
+#define is_foo_defined_parens defined /*...*/ ( /*...*/ foo /*...*/ ) //
+#define foo
+#if is_foo_defined_parens
+#undef foo
+#if is_foo_defined_parens
+/* Macro using defined with an argument identifier (no parentheses) */
+#define is_defined(arg) defined /*...*/ arg
+#define foo bar
+#undef bar
+#if is_defined(foo)
+#define bar bar
+#if is_defined(foo)
+/* Macro using defined with an argument identifier within parentheses */
+#define is_defined_parens(arg) defined /*...*/ ( /*...*/ arg /*...*/ ) //
+#define foo bar
+#define bar bar
+#if is_defined_parens(foo)
+#undef bar
+#if is_defined_parens(foo)
+/* Multiple levels of macro resulting in defined */
+#define X defined A && Y
+#define Y defined B && Z
+#define Z defined C
+#define A
+#define B
+#define C
+#if X
+#undef A
+#if X
+#define A
+#undef B
+#if X
+#define B
+#undef C
+#if X
diff --git a/src/glsl/glcpp/tests/141-defined-within-macro.c.expected 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74e9609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/glsl/glcpp/tests/141-defined-within-macro.c.expected
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@

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