On 07/01/2014 01:05 PM, srol...@vmware.com wrote:
From: Roland Scheidegger <srol...@vmware.com>

Because the layout is always linear this didn't really do much any longer -
at some point this triggered per-tile swizzled->linear conversion. The x/y
coords were ignored too.
Apart from triggering conversion, this also invoked alloc_image_data(), which
could only actually trigger mapping of display target resources. So, instead
just call resource_map in the callers (which also gives the ability to unmap
again). Note that mapping/unmapping of display target resources still isn't
really all that clean (map/unmap may be unmatched, and all such mappings use
the same pointer thus usage flags are a lie).
  src/gallium/drivers/llvmpipe/lp_surface.c | 86 ++++++-------------------------
  src/gallium/drivers/llvmpipe/lp_texture.c | 32 +-----------
  src/gallium/drivers/llvmpipe/lp_texture.h |  6 ---
  3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

The series LGTM.

Reviewed-by: Brian Paul <bri...@vmware.com>

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