This commit "mesa: fix packing of float texels to GL_SHORT/GL_BYTE" replaced 
*_TO_BYTE to *_TO_BYTE_TEX because *_TO_FLOAT_TEX are used to unpack the texels 
to floats.
In this case *_TO_FLOATZ in function extract_float_rgba also should be replaced 
to *_TO_FLOAT_TEX. Underline that these macros automatically preserve zero when 

The regression was observed on 3 oglconform tests:
    snorm-textures basic.getTexImage
    snorm-textures advanced.mipmap.manual.getTex
    snorm-textures advanced.mipmap.upload.getTex

Signed-off-by: Pavel Popov <>
 src/mesa/main/pack.c | 16 ++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/main/pack.c b/src/mesa/main/pack.c
index 1df6568..70c8b93 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/pack.c
+++ b/src/mesa/main/pack.c
@@ -3253,10 +3253,10 @@ extract_float_rgba(GLuint n, GLfloat rgba[][4],
          PROCESS(aSrc, ACOMP, 1.0F, 255, GLubyte, UBYTE_TO_FLOAT);
       case GL_BYTE:
-         PROCESS(rSrc, RCOMP, 0.0F,   0, GLbyte, BYTE_TO_FLOATZ);
-         PROCESS(gSrc, GCOMP, 0.0F,   0, GLbyte, BYTE_TO_FLOATZ);
-         PROCESS(bSrc, BCOMP, 0.0F,   0, GLbyte, BYTE_TO_FLOATZ);
-         PROCESS(aSrc, ACOMP, 1.0F, 127, GLbyte, BYTE_TO_FLOATZ);
+         PROCESS(rSrc, RCOMP, 0.0F,   0, GLbyte, BYTE_TO_FLOAT_TEX);
+         PROCESS(gSrc, GCOMP, 0.0F,   0, GLbyte, BYTE_TO_FLOAT_TEX);
+         PROCESS(bSrc, BCOMP, 0.0F,   0, GLbyte, BYTE_TO_FLOAT_TEX);
+         PROCESS(aSrc, ACOMP, 1.0F, 127, GLbyte, BYTE_TO_FLOAT_TEX);
       case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
          PROCESS(rSrc, RCOMP, 0.0F,      0, GLushort, USHORT_TO_FLOAT);
@@ -3265,10 +3265,10 @@ extract_float_rgba(GLuint n, GLfloat rgba[][4],
          PROCESS(aSrc, ACOMP, 1.0F, 0xffff, GLushort, USHORT_TO_FLOAT);
       case GL_SHORT:
-         PROCESS(rSrc, RCOMP, 0.0F,     0, GLshort, SHORT_TO_FLOATZ);
-         PROCESS(gSrc, GCOMP, 0.0F,     0, GLshort, SHORT_TO_FLOATZ);
-         PROCESS(bSrc, BCOMP, 0.0F,     0, GLshort, SHORT_TO_FLOATZ);
-         PROCESS(aSrc, ACOMP, 1.0F, 32767, GLshort, SHORT_TO_FLOATZ);
+         PROCESS(rSrc, RCOMP, 0.0F,     0, GLshort, SHORT_TO_FLOAT_TEX);
+         PROCESS(gSrc, GCOMP, 0.0F,     0, GLshort, SHORT_TO_FLOAT_TEX);
+         PROCESS(bSrc, BCOMP, 0.0F,     0, GLshort, SHORT_TO_FLOAT_TEX);
+         PROCESS(aSrc, ACOMP, 1.0F, 32767, GLshort, SHORT_TO_FLOAT_TEX);
       case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:
          PROCESS(rSrc, RCOMP, 0.0F,          0, GLuint, UINT_TO_FLOAT);

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