On Thursday, June 19, 2014 12:37:43 PM Iago Toral wrote:
> After having a quick look at ir_to_mesa.cpp and st_glsl_to_tgsi.cpp I
> have some comments and questions about this:
> On Wed, 2014-06-18 at 13:31 -0700, Ian Romanick wrote:
> > This patch should be split into several patches:
> > 
> > 1. Modify ir_emit_vertex to have a stream.  This patch also needs to 
> > ir_to_mesa.cpp and st_glsl_to_tgsi.cpp.
> ir_to_mesa.cpp does not currently implement support for emit_vertex and
> end_primitive at all:
> void
> ir_to_mesa_visitor::visit(ir_emit_vertex *)
> {
>    assert(!"Geometry shaders not supported.");
> }
> void
> ir_to_mesa_visitor::visit(ir_end_primitive *)
> {
>    assert(!"Geometry shaders not supported.");
> }
> so doing this, as far as I can see, involves defining opcodes for
> emit_vertex and end_primitive and then handle these opcodes properly in
> other places of the code so things can get done I guess. I am not yet
> familiar with this parts of the code base, so I guess I'll need some
> time to figure how to do this right. Since ir_to_mesa.cpp is not
> currently supporting ir_emit_vertex and ir_end_primitive at all, would
> it be okay if we do this on a later patch after this series has been
> reviewed ad merged?
> Also, how can I debug this part of the code? what drivers are using
> this?

I think what Ian meant is: make any changes necessary so ir_to_mesa.cpp keeps 
compiling.  There probably are none, since it doesn't handle those pieces of 
IR (and shouldn't).  We definitely don't want to add support for it.

Mesa IR is only used for old hardware, and only supports GLSL 1.20.


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