Emil Velikov <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
             Status|NEW                         |RESOLVED
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED

--- Comment #8 from Emil Velikov <> ---
(In reply to comment #7)
> Emil,
> >>      PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(libdir)/pkgconfig" \
> >Wrong. You should set the path to the location where the cross-build pc are 
> >>available. I.e. the location where the above libdrm_radeon.pc is stored.
> Argh. Silly me. This is typo. Corrected and now I'm able to compile. Patch
> for libdrm includes is still needed however - but this is minor thing.
> Thx for Your help!

As mentioned above the patch should not be needed if PKG_CONFIG_PATH is
correctly set and you are installing the files in their recommended
location/there are no hacks like these in your libdrm build.

Feel free to open if the original issue "error: no previous prototype for
'gl*'" persist. For everything else please file a different bugreport.


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