The ARB_gpu_shader5 spec says:

"A function definition A is considered a better
match than function definition B if:

  * for at least one function argument, the conversion for that argument
    in A is better than the corresponding conversion in B; and

  * there is no function argument for which the conversion in B is better
    than the corresponding conversion in A.

If a single function definition is considered a better match than every
other matching function definition, it will be used.  Otherwise, a
semantic error occurs and the shader will fail to compile."

Signed-off-by: Chris Forbes <>
 src/glsl/ir_function.cpp | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/glsl/ir_function.cpp b/src/glsl/ir_function.cpp
index 6d2de47..7bd3399 100644
--- a/src/glsl/ir_function.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/ir_function.cpp
@@ -184,6 +184,51 @@ is_better_parameter_match(parameter_match_t a_match,
+static bool
+is_best_inexact_overload(const exec_list *actual_parameters,
+                         ir_function_signature **matches,
+                         int num_matches,
+                         ir_function_signature *sig)
+   for (ir_function_signature **other = matches;
+        other < matches + num_matches; other++) {
+      if (*other == sig)
+         continue;
+      const exec_node *node_a = sig->parameters.head;
+      const exec_node *node_b = (*other)->parameters.head;
+      const exec_node *node_p = actual_parameters->head;
+      bool better_for_some_parameter = false;
+      for (/* empty */
+           ; !node_a->is_tail_sentinel()
+           ; node_a = node_a->next,
+             node_b = node_b->next,
+             node_p = node_p->next) {
+         parameter_match_t a_match = get_parameter_match_type(
+               (const ir_variable *)node_a,
+               (const ir_rvalue *)node_p);
+         parameter_match_t b_match = get_parameter_match_type(
+               (const ir_variable *)node_b,
+               (const ir_rvalue *)node_p);
+         if (is_better_parameter_match(a_match, b_match))
+               better_for_some_parameter = true;
+         if (is_better_parameter_match(b_match, a_match))
+               return false;     /* B is better for this parameter */
+      }
+      if (!better_for_some_parameter)
+         return false;     /* A must be better than B for some parameter */
+   }
+   return true;
 static ir_function_signature *
 choose_best_inexact_overload(_mesa_glsl_parse_state *state,
                              const exec_list *actual_parameters,
@@ -196,6 +241,17 @@ choose_best_inexact_overload(_mesa_glsl_parse_state *state,
    if (num_matches == 1)
       return *matches;
+   /* Without GLSL 4.0 / ARB_gpu_shader5, there is no overload resolution
+    * among multiple inexact matches. Note that state may be NULL here if
+    * called from the linker; in that case we assume everything supported in
+    * any GLSL version is available. */
+   if (!state || state->is_version(400, 0) || state->ARB_gpu_shader5_enable) {
+      for (ir_function_signature **sig = matches; sig < matches + num_matches; 
sig++) {
+         if (is_best_inexact_overload(actual_parameters, matches, num_matches, 
+            return *sig;
+      }
+   }
    return NULL;   /* no best candidate */

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