On 04/19/2014 08:51 PM, Ilia Mirkin wrote:
Hi Brian,

I bisected a nv50/nvc0 regression in fbo-generatemipmap-array to
commit 5a2f8b2c48a14. The commit itself seems correct, but I
double-checked my bisection results (at least on nv50, I only assume
that it's the same commit causing the nvc0 regression). The
nv50_set_sampler_views function also seems pretty simple and correct.

Any ideas as to what to look at?

Off-hand, my only guess is that the nv50/nvc0's set_sampler_views() function isn't getting called as much as before so perhaps some driver state validation isn't getting done as often.

I don't really have time to dig any deeper right now.


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