On 04/08/2014 10:28 PM, Ander Conselvan de Oliveira wrote:
> From: Ander Conselvan de Oliveira <ander.conselvan.de.olive...@intel.com>
> Changes from previous version:
>   - make it clearer that the interface is optional;

No! this is still a NAK!

The reason is, just like the last time, that as soon as the major
drivers implement this, The users of the interface will stop caring
about the "slowpath" (no mmap() available). There are some other good
reasons too, like for example the buffers being tiled or uncached.

If you desperately need a generic way to access accelerated buffer
contents using the CPU, then implement something similar to
glTex[sub]Image() or gl[read|write]Pixels.


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