On Mon, 2014-03-10 at 22:20 +1300, Chris Forbes wrote:
> If prefer_no_swizzle is set, try:
> - The exact matching format
> - Formats with the required components in the correct order, plus a junk
>   component

How are 'exact matching' and 'correct order' defined? My understanding
of GL internal formats is that they just specify which components are
there and possibly their sizes, but nothing about their memory layout.
If my understanding is correct, I think it's a bad idea to hardcode
driver / platform specific preferences here like this.

I think you would either need to take the 'format' parameter into
account as well, or just use a driver specific ChooseTextureFormat hook.

Earthling Michel Dänzer            |                  http://www.amd.com
Libre software enthusiast          |                Mesa and X developer

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