On 01/03/14 00:27, Kristian Høgsberg wrote:
> I hate to keep picking on this, but those are not the same defines.
> They all key off of different conditions and guard different code,
> they just happen to all have the same name.  If anything, it's part of
> the dri_interface.h API, in that you can define it to prevent
> dri_interface.h from including drm.h.  Nothing in loader.h includes
> dri_interface.h so we can call it what we want.  And we already have
> -DHAVE_DRM in the flags from configure, so we can just use that.  That
> should also do the right thing for SConscript if we just delete the
> CPPDEFINES append and for Android.mk we could just define HAVE_DRM in
> the other if clause.
Cool you talked me into it.

I'll kindly forward any bugs that may arise to you :-)

> Kristian

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