On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:03 PM, Ian Romanick <i...@freedesktop.org> wrote:
> On 02/17/2014 08:21 AM, Juha-Pekka Heikkila wrote:
>> Resend of the earlier glx patches with the issue pointed out by Petri fixed.
>> Patch number five is a bit special. hash_table_insert() and
>> hash_table_replace() don't really have a way to report errors and I did not
>> want to go changing the api since these are called from so many places thus
>> the case of null (c)allocation is handled just inside the functions and
>> relied low memory situation is handled outside the function properly.
> Right.  I'm a bit skeptical about patches 5 and 9 for that reason.  I
> think if we add a function _mesa_error_no_memory(void) to
> src/mesa/errors.c that can at least set GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY in the context,
> I'd be a bit more happy.  The GL spec allows us to leave things in an
> indeterminate state when we're out of memory.  We really do need to let
> the application know what happend, though.
> Something like...
> void
> _mesa_error_no_memory(void)
> {
>    _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "out of memory");
> }
> ought to be enough.  We do need to audit the various paths through
> _mesa_error to make sure they can handle no memory situations.

These seem to be a bit more tricky as patches five and nine affect
glsl compiler side also where I don't have the context. I guess I need
to see a way to leak the error through some return values for whoever
called here. Previous places where such errors were trying to be
reported seem to be mostly returning -1 lacking any additional
information why error was given.

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