On 15 January 2014 02:46, Tapani <tapani.pa...@intel.com> wrote:

>  On 01/14/2014 07:53 PM, Paul Berry wrote:
> On 2 January 2014 03:58, Tapani Pälli <tapani.pa...@intel.com> wrote:
>>   +static void
>>> +serialize_uniform_storage(gl_uniform_storage *uni, memory_writer &blob)
>>  I don't think this is right.  The ARB_get_program_binary spec says:
>>     8. How does ProgramBinary interact with uniform values, including
>>        shader-specified defaults?
>>     RESOLVED: All uniforms specified in the binary are reset to their
>> shader-
>>     specified defaults, or to zero if they aren't specified, when the
>> program
>>     binary is loaded. The spec language has been updated to specify this
>>     behavior.
>>  The OES_get_program_binary spec doesn't mention uniforms at all, but I
>> believe this is not intended to indicate a behavioural difference--it's
>> just a consequence of the fact that ARB_get_program_binary was written
>> later, so they had a chance to clarify things.  In fact, issue #7 in
>> ARB_get_program_binary specifically says:
>>     7. How does this spec differ from the OES_get_program_binary and why?
>>     ...
>>     There are other areas where language was clarified, but this is meant
>> to
>>     be consistent with the intent of the original specification and not to
>>     alter previously established behavior.
>>  So I believe we shouldn't be serializing uniform values.
>> For me this seemed much easier way to serialize than recreate it though.
> Would it be enough if I reset the default values in place?

Yes, I think that would be reasonable.  Thanks!
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