Hi folks,

I just released Mesa 10.0.2 (a bit late) and followed it by immediately
working through my queue of commits nominated for the stable branch,
which I've just pushed out.

Since the code for 10.0.2 was done and pushed a week ago, my current
plan is to release 10.0.2 just one week from now, (to get back to a
schedule of a stable release every two weeks).

The state of the queue looks pretty good right now. There are still a
handful of patches from early December that have not landed on master
yet. I imagine he's waiting for review on those.

Then, there are two recent, larger series from Aaron and Chad. For each
of these series, there has been some discussion and both authors are
planning to come back with a version 2 of their series in response to

I do want to say that I really enjoy how smooth that stable-release
management has been. That's thanks to all of the developers doing such
high-quality work. I've not yet encountered a nominated patch that I
needed to reject due to a regression or a patch which failed to meet the
release-branch criteria. So thanks to all for your attention to
detail. I really appreciate it.



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