From: Nathan Kidd <>

Fixed what I noticed; no warranty for exhaustiveness.
Signed-off-by: Nathan Kidd <>
 docs/conform.html    |    2 +-
 docs/devinfo.html    |    2 +-
 docs/dispatch.html   |   10 +++++-----
 docs/egl.html        |    8 ++++----
 docs/envvars.html    |    6 +++---
 docs/faq.html        |    8 ++++----
 docs/opengles.html   |    4 ++--
 docs/openvg.html     |    2 +-
 docs/repository.html |    2 +-
 docs/shading.html    |    2 +-
 docs/sourcetree.html |    2 +-
 docs/thanks.html     |    2 +-
 docs/xlibdriver.html |    2 +-
 13 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/conform.html b/docs/conform.html
index c5f8ece..5593137 100644
--- a/docs/conform.html
+++ b/docs/conform.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 The SGI OpenGL conformance tests verify correct operation of OpenGL
 implementations.  I, Brian Paul, have been given a copy of the tests
-for testing Mesa.  The tests are not publically available.
+for testing Mesa.  The tests are not publicly available.
 This file has the latest results of testing Mesa with the OpenGL 1.2
diff --git a/docs/devinfo.html b/docs/devinfo.html
index a9d8b4f..d4a6dfb 100644
--- a/docs/devinfo.html
+++ b/docs/devinfo.html
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ exclusively for the older branch.
 This "CC" syntax for patch nomination will cause patches to automatically be
 copied to the mesa-stable@ mailing list when you use "git send-email" to send
 patches to the mesa-dev@ mailing list. Also, if you realize that a commit
-should be nominate for the stable branch after it has already been commited,
+should be nominated for the stable branch after it has already been committed,
 you can send a note directly to the where
 the Mesa stable-branch maintainers will receive it. Be sure to mention the
 commit ID of the commit of interest (as it appears in the mesa master branch).
diff --git a/docs/dispatch.html b/docs/dispatch.html
index 4b529bc..aacd01e 100644
--- a/docs/dispatch.html
+++ b/docs/dispatch.html
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ href="#overview">overview of Mesa's implementation</a>.</p>
 <h2>1. Complexity of GL Dispatch</h2>
 <p>Every GL application has at least one object called a GL <em>context</em>.
-This object, which is an implicit parameter to ever GL function, stores all
+This object, which is an implicit parameter to every GL function, stores all
 of the GL related state for the application.  Every texture, every buffer
 object, every enable, and much, much more is stored in the context.  Since
 an application can have more than one context, the context to be used is
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ example, <tt>glFogCoordf</tt> may operate differently 
depending on whether
 or not fog is enabled.</p>
 <p>In multi-threaded environments, it is possible for each thread to have a
-differnt GL context current.  This means that poor old <tt>glVertex3fv</tt>
+different GL context current.  This means that poor old <tt>glVertex3fv</tt>
 has to know which GL context is current in the thread where it is being
@@ -207,13 +207,13 @@ few preprocessor defines.</p>
 <li>If <tt>GLX_USE_TLS</tt> is defined, method #4 is used.</li>
 <li>If <tt>HAVE_PTHREAD</tt> is defined, method #3 is used.</li>
 <li>If <tt>WIN32_THREADS</tt> is defined, method #2 is used.</li>
-<li>If none of the preceeding are defined, method #1 is used.</li>
+<li>If none of the preceding are defined, method #1 is used.</li>
 <p>Two different techniques are used to handle the various different cases.
 On x86 and SPARC, a macro called <tt>GL_STUB</tt> is used.  In the preamble
 of the assembly source file different implementations of the macro are
-selected based on the defined preprocessor variables.  The assmebly code
+selected based on the defined preprocessor variables.  The assembly code
 then consists of a series of invocations of the macros such as:
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ first technique, is to insert <tt>#ifdef</tt> within the 
 implementation of each function.  This makes the assembly file considerably
 larger (e.g., 29,332 lines for <tt>glapi_x86-64.S</tt> versus 1,155 lines for
 <tt>glapi_x86.S</tt>) and causes simple changes to the function
-implementation to generate many lines of diffs.  Since the assmebly files
+implementation to generate many lines of diffs.  Since the assembly files
 are typically generated by scripts (see <a href="#autogen">below</a>), this
 isn't a significant problem.</p>
diff --git a/docs/egl.html b/docs/egl.html
index 240cec5..dc23241 100644
--- a/docs/egl.html
+++ b/docs/egl.html
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ drivers will be installed to <code>${libdir}/egl</code>.</p>
 <p>List the platforms (window systems) to support.  Its argument is a comma
-seprated string such as <code>--with-egl-platforms=x11,drm</code>.  It decides
+separated string such as <code>--with-egl-platforms=x11,drm</code>.  It decides
 the platforms a driver may support.  The first listed platform is also used by
 the main library to decide the native platform: the platform the EGL native
 types such as <code>EGLNativeDisplayType</code> or
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ the X server directly using (XCB-)DRI2 protocol.</p>
 <p>This driver is based on Gallium3D.  It supports all rendering APIs and
-hardwares supported by Gallium3D.  It is the only driver that supports OpenVG.
+hardware supported by Gallium3D.  It is the only driver that supports OpenVG.
 The supported platforms are X11, DRM, FBDEV, and GDI.</p>
 <p>This driver comes with its own hardware drivers
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ longer than the display that creates them.</p>
 <p>In EGL, when a display is terminated through <code>eglTerminate</code>, all
 display resources should be destroyed.  Similarly, when a thread is released
-throught <code>eglReleaseThread</code>, all current display resources should be
-released.  Another way to destory or release resources is through functions
+through <code>eglReleaseThread</code>, all current display resources should be
+released.  Another way to destroy or release resources is through functions
 such as <code>eglDestroySurface</code> or <code>eglMakeCurrent</code>.</p>
 <p>When a resource that is current to some thread is destroyed, the resource
diff --git a/docs/envvars.html b/docs/envvars.html
index 3cc3c80..31d14a4 100644
--- a/docs/envvars.html
+++ b/docs/envvars.html
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ sometimes be useful for debugging end-user issues.
 <li>MESA_NO_SSE - if set, disables Intel SSE optimizations
 <li>MESA_DEBUG - if set, error messages are printed to stderr.  For example,
    if the application generates a GL_INVALID_ENUM error, a corresponding error
-   message indicating where the error occured, and possibly why, will be
+   message indicating where the error occurred, and possibly why, will be
    printed to stderr.<br>
    If the value of MESA_DEBUG is 'FP' floating point arithmetic errors will
    generate exceptions.
@@ -201,14 +201,14 @@ See src/mesa/state_tracker/st_debug.c for other options.
     to stderr
 <li>SOFTPIPE_NO_RAST - if set, rasterization is no-op'd.  For profiling 
 <li>SOFTPIPE_USE_LLVM - if set, the softpipe driver will try to use LLVM JIT 
-    vertex shading procesing.
+    vertex shading processing.
 <h3>LLVMpipe driver environment variables</h3>
 <li>LP_NO_RAST - if set LLVMpipe will no-op rasterization
-<li>LP_DEBUG - a comma-separated list of debug options is acceptec.  See the
+<li>LP_DEBUG - a comma-separated list of debug options is accepted.  See the
     source code for details.
 <li>LP_PERF - a comma-separated list of options to selectively no-op various
     parts of the driver.  See the source code for details.
diff --git a/docs/faq.html b/docs/faq.html
index 97c59d3..d4037e8 100644
--- a/docs/faq.html
+++ b/docs/faq.html
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Just follow the Mesa <a href="install.html">compilation 
 <h2>1.6 Are there other open-source implementations of OpenGL?</h2>
 Yes, SGI's <a href="";>
-OpenGL Sample Implemenation (SI)</a> is available.
+OpenGL Sample Implementation (SI)</a> is available.
 The SI was written during the time that OpenGL was originally designed.
 Unfortunately, development of the SI has stagnated.
 Mesa is much more up to date with modern features and extensions.
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ That's where Mesa development is discussed.
 The <a href="";>
-OpenGL Specification</a> is the bible for OpenGL implemention work.
+OpenGL Specification</a> is the bible for OpenGL implementation work.
 You should read it.
 <p>Most of the Mesa development work involves implementing new OpenGL
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ For a Gallium3D hardware driver, the r300g, r600g and the 
i915g are good example
 <p>The DRI website has more information about writing hardware drivers.
 The process isn't well document because the Mesa driver interface changes
-over time, and we seldome have spare time for writing documentation.
+over time, and we seldom have spare time for writing documentation.
 That being said, many people have managed to figure out the process.
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ The <a 
 indicates that there are intellectual property (IP) and/or patent issues
 to be dealt with.
-<p>We've been unsucessful in getting a response from S3 (or whoever owns
+<p>We've been unsuccessful in getting a response from S3 (or whoever owns
 the IP nowadays) to indicate whether or not an open source project can
 implement the extension (specifically the compression/decompression
diff --git a/docs/opengles.html b/docs/opengles.html
index f08acb5..24ad69f 100644
--- a/docs/opengles.html
+++ b/docs/opengles.html
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 <h1>OpenGL ES</h1>
-<p>Mesa implements OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0.  More informations about
+<p>Mesa implements OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0.  More information about
 OpenGL ES can be found at <a href="";></a>.</p>
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ EGL drivers for your hardware.</p>
 <h3>Dispatch Table</h3>
-<p>OpenGL ES has an additional indirection when dispatching fucntions</p>
+<p>OpenGL ES has an additional indirection when dispatching functions</p>
   Mesa:       glFoo() --&gt; _mesa_Foo()
diff --git a/docs/openvg.html b/docs/openvg.html
index 5bc866a..28ebb82 100644
--- a/docs/openvg.html
+++ b/docs/openvg.html
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 The current version of the OpenVG state tracker implements OpenVG 1.1.
-More informations about OpenVG can be found at
+More information about OpenVG can be found at
 <a href="";></a> .
diff --git a/docs/repository.html b/docs/repository.html
index 510f438..bb0ae00 100644
--- a/docs/repository.html
+++ b/docs/repository.html
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ each time you do a pull.
 <li>Small changes to master
-If you are an experienced git user working on substancial modifications,
+If you are an experienced git user working on substantial modifications,
 you are probably
 working on a separate branch and would rebase your branch prior to
 merging with master.
diff --git a/docs/shading.html b/docs/shading.html
index 4015cdf..77a0ee4 100644
--- a/docs/shading.html
+++ b/docs/shading.html
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ This option is only relevant if EmitHighLevelInstructions 
is set.
-If set, instructions will be annoted with comments to help with debugging.
+If set, instructions will be annotated with comments to help with debugging.
 Extra NOP instructions will also be inserted.
diff --git a/docs/sourcetree.html b/docs/sourcetree.html
index a6868d3..4c93f63 100644
--- a/docs/sourcetree.html
+++ b/docs/sourcetree.html
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ each directory.
           Currently there's run-time code generation for x86/SSE, PowerPC
           and Cell SPU.
       <li><b>tgsi</b> - TG Shader Infrastructure.  Code for encoding,
-          manipulating and interpretting GPU programs.
+          manipulating and interpreting GPU programs.
       <li><b>translate</b> - module for translating vertex data from one format
           to another.
       <li><b>util</b> - assorted utilities for arithmetic, hashing, surface
diff --git a/docs/thanks.html b/docs/thanks.html
index 4ec92d3..29a41e4 100644
--- a/docs/thanks.html
+++ b/docs/thanks.html
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 <iframe src="contents.html"></iframe>
 <div class="content">
 The following individuals and groups are to be acknowledged for their
diff --git a/docs/xlibdriver.html b/docs/xlibdriver.html
index ce1ff3b..d3d8ab4 100644
--- a/docs/xlibdriver.html
+++ b/docs/xlibdriver.html
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ for your application.
 When using Mesa directly or with GLX, it's up to the application
 writer to create a window with an appropriate colormap.  The GLUT
-toolkit tris to minimize colormap <em>flashing</em> by sharing
+toolkit tries to minimize colormap <em>flashing</em> by sharing
 colormaps when possible.  Specifically, if the visual and depth of the
 window matches that of the root window, the root window's colormap
 will be shared by the Mesa window.  Otherwise, a new, private colormap

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