On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 9:21 PM, Ian Romanick <i...@freedesktop.org> wrote:
> I think there are two ways a driver could implement this function, and I
> suspect that drivers for UMA systems may dynamically switch between the
> two.  I'm pretty sure the i965 driver will, anyway.
> A driver could implement this using a blitter-based or CPU-based memcpy
> function.  In that case, having a pointer to raw data in the destination
> format is what you would want.
> A driver could also implement this using a blitter-based or render-based
> clear function.  That is, they'd wrap the buffer object in a fake
> surface and do whatever is done for glClearBuffer*.  I had originally
> thought you'd want the internalformat in that case, but after discussing
> a number of implementation strategies with Ken, I don't think it's
> actually needed.
> I also support Marek's suggestion.
> For the record, the possible implementation strategies Ken and I discussed:
>  - Repeating memcpy on the CPU.
>  - Using the blit engine with clever source strides.
>  - Using the render engine with some sort of uint outputs of raw bits.
>  - Using transform feedback with some sort of uint outputs of raw bits.

We use DMA (memset on the GPU) for clearValueSize <= 4 and transform
feedback in the other cases. The latter sets the clear value as a
vertex with a stride of zero.

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