Unfortunately the unit tests need to be patched as well. This is
because the direct eu-emitter only patches jump counters for
if-else (see patch_IF_ELSE()) while the fs_generator patches the
endif as well (see brw_set_uip_jip()).

No regressions on IVB (piglit quick + unit tests).

Signed-off-by: Topi Pohjolainen <topi.pohjolai...@intel.com>
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit_eu.cpp    | 118 ++++++++-------------
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit_eu.h      |  63 +++++------
 .../drivers/dri/i965/test_blorp_blit_eu_gen.cpp    |   6 +-
 3 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit_eu.cpp 
index dcfd82b..46033ba 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit_eu.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit_eu.cpp
@@ -26,24 +26,10 @@
 #include "brw_blorp.h"
 brw_blorp_eu_emitter::brw_blorp_eu_emitter(struct brw_context *brw)
-   : mem_ctx(ralloc_context(NULL))
+   : mem_ctx(ralloc_context(NULL)), c(rzalloc(mem_ctx, struct brw_wm_compile)),
+     generator(brw, c, NULL, NULL, false)
-   brw_init_compile(brw, &func, mem_ctx);
-   /*
-    * By default everything is emitted as 16-wide with only a few expections
-    * handled explicitly either here in the compiler or by one of the specific
-    * code emission calls.
-    * It should be also noted that here in this file any alterations of the
-    * compression control settings are only used to affect the execution size
-    * of the instructions. The instruction template used to initialise all the
-    * instructions is effectively not altered -- the value stays at zero
-    * representing either GEN6_COMPRESSION_1Q or GEN6_COMPRESSION_1H depending
-    * on the context.
-    * If any other settings are used in the instruction headers, they are set
-    * elsewhere by the individual code emission calls.
-    */
-   brw_set_compression_control(&func, BRW_COMPRESSION_COMPRESSED);
+   generator.no_2nd_half_ctrl = true;
@@ -54,13 +40,18 @@ brw_blorp_eu_emitter::~brw_blorp_eu_emitter()
 const unsigned *
 brw_blorp_eu_emitter::get_program(unsigned *program_size, FILE *dump_file)
+   const unsigned *res;
    if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_BLORP)) {
       printf("Native code for BLORP blit:\n");
-      brw_dump_compile(&func, dump_file, 0, func.next_insn_offset);
+      res = generator.generate_assembly(NULL, &insts, program_size, true,
+                                        dump_file);
+   } else {
+      res = generator.generate_assembly(NULL, &insts, program_size);
-   return brw_get_program(&func, program_size);
+   return res;
@@ -78,15 +69,15 @@ brw_blorp_eu_emitter::emit_kill_if_outside_rect(const 
struct brw_reg &x,
    struct brw_reg f0 = brw_flag_reg(0, 0);
    struct brw_reg g1 = retype(brw_vec1_grf(1, 7), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW);
-   struct brw_reg null32 = vec16(retype(brw_null_reg(), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD));
-   brw_CMP(&func, null32, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE, x, dst_x0);
-   brw_CMP(&func, null32, BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE, y, dst_y0);
-   brw_CMP(&func, null32, BRW_CONDITIONAL_L, x, dst_x1);
-   brw_CMP(&func, null32, BRW_CONDITIONAL_L, y, dst_y1);
+   emit_cmp(BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE, x, dst_x0);
+   emit_cmp(BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE, y, dst_y0)->predicate = BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL;
+   emit_cmp(BRW_CONDITIONAL_L, x, dst_x1)->predicate = BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL;
+   emit_cmp(BRW_CONDITIONAL_L, y, dst_y1)->predicate = BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL;
-   brw_set_predicate_control(&func, BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);
-   brw_AND(&func, g1, f0, g1)->header.mask_control = BRW_MASK_DISABLE;
+   fs_inst *inst = new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_AND, g1, f0, g1);
+   inst->force_writemask_all = true;
+   insts.push_tail(inst);
@@ -95,40 +86,14 @@ brw_blorp_eu_emitter::emit_texture_lookup(const struct 
brw_reg &dst,
                                           unsigned base_mrf,
                                           unsigned msg_length)
-   unsigned msg_type;
-   switch (op) {
-      msg_type = GEN5_SAMPLER_MESSAGE_SAMPLE;
-      break;
-      break;
-      break;
-      break;
-      break;
-   default:
-      assert(!"Unsupported texture lookup operation");
-   }
+   fs_inst *inst = new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(op, dst, brw_message_reg(base_mrf));
+   inst->base_mrf = base_mrf;
+   inst->mlen = msg_length;
+   inst->sampler = 0;
+   inst->header_present = false;
-   brw_SAMPLE(&func,
-              retype(dst, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UW) /* dest */,
-              base_mrf /* msg_reg_nr */,
-              brw_message_reg(base_mrf) /* src0 */,
-              0 /* sampler */,
-              msg_type,
-              8 /* response_length.  TODO: should be smaller for non-RGBA 
formats? */,
-              msg_length,
-              0 /* header_present */,
-              BRW_SAMPLER_SIMD_MODE_SIMD16,
+   insts.push_tail(inst);
@@ -137,16 +102,14 @@ brw_blorp_eu_emitter::emit_render_target_write(const 
struct brw_reg &src0,
                                                unsigned msg_length,
                                                bool use_header)
-   brw_fb_WRITE(&func,
-                16 /* dispatch_width */,
-                msg_reg_nr,
-                src0,
-                msg_length,
-                0 /* response_length */,
-                true /* eot */,
-                use_header);
+   fs_inst *inst = new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(FS_OPCODE_BLORP_FB_WRITE);
+   inst->src[0] = src0;
+   inst->base_mrf = msg_reg_nr;
+   inst->mlen = msg_length;
+   inst->header_present = use_header;
+   insts.push_tail(inst);
@@ -156,7 +119,20 @@ brw_blorp_eu_emitter::emit_combine(unsigned 
                                    const struct brw_reg &src_2)
    if (texture_data_type == BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F)
-      brw_ADD(&func, dst, src_1, src_2);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, dst, src_1, 
-      brw_AVG(&func, dst, src_1, src_2);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_AVG, dst, src_1, 
+fs_inst *
+brw_blorp_eu_emitter::emit_cmp(int op,
+                               const struct brw_reg &x,
+                               const struct brw_reg &y)
+   fs_inst *cmp = new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_CMP,
+                                        vec16(brw_null_reg()), x, y);
+   cmp->conditional_mod = op;
+   insts.push_tail(cmp);
+   return cmp;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit_eu.h 
index 3f2301c..ccb72f1 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit_eu.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_blorp_blit_eu.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 #include "brw_context.h"
-#include "brw_eu.h"
+#include "brw_fs.h"
 class brw_blorp_eu_emitter
@@ -63,9 +63,11 @@ protected:
                              const struct brw_reg &dst,
                              const struct brw_reg &src)
-      brw_CMP(&func, vec16(brw_null_reg()), op, x, y);
-      brw_MOV(&func, dst, src);
-      brw_set_predicate_control(&func, BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);
+      emit_cmp(op, x, y);
+      fs_inst *mv = new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_MOV, dst, src);
+      mv->predicate = BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL;
+      insts.push_tail(mv);
    inline void emit_if_eq_mov(const struct brw_reg &x, unsigned y,
@@ -79,109 +81,110 @@ protected:
                         const struct brw_reg &src2,
                         const struct brw_reg &src3)
-      brw_set_access_mode(&func, BRW_ALIGN_16);
-      brw_set_compression_control(&func, BRW_COMPRESSION_NONE);
-      brw_LRP(&func, dst, src1, src2, src3);
-      brw_LRP(&func, sechalf(dst), sechalf(src1), sechalf(src2), 
-      brw_set_compression_control(&func, BRW_COMPRESSION_COMPRESSED);
-      brw_set_access_mode(&func, BRW_ALIGN_1);
+      insts.push_tail(
+         new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_LRP, dst, src1, src2, src3));
    inline void emit_mov(const struct brw_reg& dst, const struct brw_reg& src)
-      brw_MOV(&func, dst, src);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_MOV, dst, src));
    inline void emit_mov_8(const struct brw_reg& dst, const struct brw_reg& src)
-      brw_set_compression_control(&func, BRW_COMPRESSION_NONE);
-      emit_mov(dst, src);
-      brw_set_compression_control(&func, BRW_COMPRESSION_COMPRESSED);
+      fs_inst *mv = new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_MOV, dst, src);
+      mv->force_uncompressed = true;
+      insts.push_tail(mv);
    inline void emit_and(const struct brw_reg& dst,
                         const struct brw_reg& src1,
                         const struct brw_reg& src2)
-      brw_AND(&func, dst, src1, src2);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_AND, dst, src1, src2));
    inline void emit_add(const struct brw_reg& dst,
                         const struct brw_reg& src1,
                         const struct brw_reg& src2)
-      brw_ADD(&func, dst, src1, src2);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, dst, src1, src2));
    inline void emit_add_8(const struct brw_reg& dst,
                           const struct brw_reg& src1,
                           const struct brw_reg& src2)
-      brw_set_compression_control(&func, BRW_COMPRESSION_NONE);
-      emit_add(dst, src1, src2);
-      brw_set_compression_control(&func, BRW_COMPRESSION_COMPRESSED);
+      fs_inst *add = new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_ADD, dst, src1, src2);
+      add->force_uncompressed = true;
+      insts.push_tail(add);
    inline void emit_mul(const struct brw_reg& dst,
                         const struct brw_reg& src1,
                         const struct brw_reg& src2)
-      brw_MUL(&func, dst, src1, src2);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_MUL, dst, src1, src2));
    inline void emit_shr(const struct brw_reg& dst,
                         const struct brw_reg& src1,
                         const struct brw_reg& src2)
-      brw_SHR(&func, dst, src1, src2);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_SHR, dst, src1, src2));
    inline void emit_shl(const struct brw_reg& dst,
                         const struct brw_reg& src1,
                         const struct brw_reg& src2)
-      brw_SHL(&func, dst, src1, src2);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_SHL, dst, src1, src2));
    inline void emit_or(const struct brw_reg& dst,
                        const struct brw_reg& src1,
                        const struct brw_reg& src2)
-      brw_OR(&func, dst, src1, src2);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_OR, dst, src1, src2));
    inline void emit_frc(const struct brw_reg& dst,
                         const struct brw_reg& src)
-      brw_FRC(&func, dst, src);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_FRC, dst, src));
    inline void emit_rndd(const struct brw_reg& dst,
                          const struct brw_reg& src)
-      brw_RNDD(&func, dst, src);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_RNDD, dst, src));
    inline void emit_if(int op,
                        const struct brw_reg &x,
                        const struct brw_reg &y)
-      brw_CMP(&func, vec16(brw_null_reg()), op, x, y);
-      brw_IF(&func, BRW_EXECUTE_16);
+      emit_cmp(op, x, y);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_IF));
    inline void emit_else(void)
-      brw_ELSE(&func);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_ELSE));
    inline void emit_endif(void)
-      brw_ENDIF(&func);
+      insts.push_tail(new (mem_ctx) fs_inst(BRW_OPCODE_ENDIF));
+   fs_inst *emit_cmp(int op, const struct brw_reg &x, const struct brw_reg &y);
    void *mem_ctx;
-   struct brw_compile func;
+   struct brw_wm_compile *c;
+   exec_list insts;
+   fs_generator generator;
 #endif /* BRW_BLORP_BLIT_EU_H */
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/test_blorp_blit_eu_gen.cpp 
index 8b0cac2..208959a 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/test_blorp_blit_eu_gen.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/test_blorp_blit_eu_gen.cpp
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ test_gen7_blend_scaled_msaa_8(struct brw_context *brw)
       "0x00000340: (+f0) mov(16)   g64<1>UD        7D                          
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
       "0x00000350: cmp.e.f0(16)    null            g60<8,8,1>UD    7D          
    { align1 WE_normal 1H switch };\n"
       "0x00000360: (+f0) mov(16)   g64<1>UD        1D                          
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
-      "0x00000370: endif(16) 2                     null            
0x00000002UD    { align1 WE_normal 1H switch };\n"
+      "0x00000370: endif(16) 50                    null            
0x00000032UD    { align1 WE_normal 1H switch };\n"
       "0x00000380: mov(16)         g60<1>UD        g64<8,8,1>UD                
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
       "0x00000390: mov(16)         g114<1>UD       g60<8,8,1>UD                
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
       "0x000003a0: mov(16)         g116<1>UD       g44<8,8,1>UD                
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ test_gen7_blend_scaled_msaa_8(struct brw_context *brw)
       "0x00000550: (+f0) mov(16)   g64<1>UD        7D                          
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
       "0x00000560: cmp.e.f0(16)    null            g60<8,8,1>UD    7D          
    { align1 WE_normal 1H switch };\n"
       "0x00000570: (+f0) mov(16)   g64<1>UD        1D                          
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
-      "0x00000580: endif(16) 2                     null            
0x00000002UD    { align1 WE_normal 1H switch };\n"
+      "0x00000580: endif(16) 50                    null            
0x00000032UD    { align1 WE_normal 1H switch };\n"
       "0x00000590: mov(16)         g60<1>UD        g64<8,8,1>UD                
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
       "0x000005a0: mov(16)         g114<1>UD       g60<8,8,1>UD                
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
       "0x000005b0: mov(16)         g116<1>UD       g44<8,8,1>UD                
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ test_gen7_blend_scaled_msaa_8(struct brw_context *brw)
       "0x00000760: (+f0) mov(16)   g64<1>UD        7D                          
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
       "0x00000770: cmp.e.f0(16)    null            g60<8,8,1>UD    7D          
    { align1 WE_normal 1H switch };\n"
       "0x00000780: (+f0) mov(16)   g64<1>UD        1D                          
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
-      "0x00000790: endif(16) 2                     null            
0x00000002UD    { align1 WE_normal 1H switch };\n"
+      "0x00000790: endif(16) 50                    null            
0x00000032UD    { align1 WE_normal 1H switch };\n"
       "0x000007a0: mov(16)         g60<1>UD        g64<8,8,1>UD                
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
       "0x000007b0: mov(16)         g114<1>UD       g60<8,8,1>UD                
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"
       "0x000007c0: mov(16)         g116<1>UD       g44<8,8,1>UD                
    { align1 WE_normal 1H };\n"

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