From: Roland Scheidegger <>

We need to put border color into texture format color space which
essentially means clamping for non-float, normalized formats (not entirely
sure if we're also meant to quantize the float but it's probably ok not to
do it thankfully).
For OpenGL we could do this easily outside generated code due to the
1:1 sampler/texture correspondence but not for d3d10 which is terrible
(as we recalculate a constant over and over again per shader invocation).
Fortunately border color should be rare enough that we don't care THAT much.
 src/gallium/auxiliary/gallivm/lp_bld_sample_soa.c |   66 +++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/auxiliary/gallivm/lp_bld_sample_soa.c 
index 65d6e7b..2a4462b 100644
--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/gallivm/lp_bld_sample_soa.c
+++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/gallivm/lp_bld_sample_soa.c
@@ -179,24 +179,64 @@ lp_build_sample_texel_soa(struct lp_build_sample_context 
    if (use_border) {
-      /* select texel color or border color depending on use_border */
-      LLVMValueRef border_color_ptr = 
+      /* select texel color or border color depending on use_border. */
+     LLVMValueRef border_color_ptr =
                                           bld->gallivm, sampler_unit);
+      const struct util_format_description *format_desc;
       int chan;
+      format_desc = util_format_description(bld->static_texture_state->format);
+      /*
+       * Only replace channels which are actually present. The others should
+       * get optimized away eventually by sampler_view swizzle anyway but it's
+       * easier too as we'd need some extra logic for channels where we can't
+       * determine the format directly otherwise.
+       */
       for (chan = 0; chan < 4; chan++) {
-         LLVMValueRef border_chan =
-            lp_build_array_get(bld->gallivm, border_color_ptr,
-                               lp_build_const_int32(bld->gallivm, chan));
-         LLVMValueRef border_chan_vec =
-            lp_build_broadcast_scalar(&bld->float_vec_bld, border_chan);
-         if (!bld->texel_type.floating) {
-            border_chan_vec = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, border_chan_vec,
-                                               bld->texel_bld.vec_type, "");
+         unsigned chan_s;
+         /* reverse-map channel... */
+         for (chan_s = 0; chan_s < 4; chan_s++) {
+            if (chan_s == format_desc->swizzle[chan]) {
+               break;
+            }
+         }
+         if (chan_s <= 3) {
+            LLVMValueRef border_chan =
+               lp_build_array_get(bld->gallivm, border_color_ptr,
+                                  lp_build_const_int32(bld->gallivm, chan));
+            LLVMValueRef border_chan_vec =
+               lp_build_broadcast_scalar(&bld->float_vec_bld, border_chan);
+            if (!bld->texel_type.floating) {
+               border_chan_vec = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, border_chan_vec,
+                                                  bld->texel_bld.vec_type, "");
+            }
+            else {
+               /*
+                * For normalized format need to clamp border color (technically
+                * probably should also quantize the data). Really sucks doing 
+                * here but can't avoid at least for now since this is part of
+                * sampler state and texture format is part of sampler_view 
+                */
+               unsigned chan_type = format_desc->channel[chan_s].type;
+               unsigned chan_norm = format_desc->channel[chan_s].normalized;
+               if (chan_type == UTIL_FORMAT_TYPE_SIGNED && chan_norm) {
+                  LLVMValueRef clamp_min;
+                  clamp_min = lp_build_const_vec(bld->gallivm, 
bld->texel_type, -1.0F);
+                  border_chan_vec = lp_build_clamp(&bld->texel_bld, 
+                                                   clamp_min,
+                                                   bld->;
+               }
+               else if (chan_type == UTIL_FORMAT_TYPE_UNSIGNED && chan_norm) {
+                  border_chan_vec = lp_build_clamp(&bld->texel_bld, 
+                                                   bld->,
+                                                   bld->;
+               }
+               /* not exactly sure about all others but I think should be ok? 
+            }
+            texel_out[chan] = lp_build_select(&bld->texel_bld, use_border,
+                                              border_chan_vec, 
-         texel_out[chan] = lp_build_select(&bld->texel_bld, use_border,
-                                           border_chan_vec, texel_out[chan]);
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