On 08/09/2013 01:59 PM, Brian Paul wrote:
> That's probably not it, given the above.  Can you try setting a 
> breakpoint on pstip_destroy() and see if that's getting called before 
> the segfault?  If so, things are getting freed in the wrong order.

No, it is not called before the segfault.

We do seem to enter pstip_bind_sampler_states many times before the
segfault. I do not remember this from before I had CFLAGS="-g -O0"...

The last time through :

(gdb) print pstip
$1 = (struct pstip_stage *) 0xff66331aff66331a

I don't think my actual RAM goes that high.

(gdb) print pstip->state
Cannot access memory at address 0xff66331aff66339a

I should think not...

(gdb) print pipe
$2 = (struct pipe_context *) 0x13d6ec0

What does pstip_stage_from_pipe do?

(gdb) print pipe->draw
$3 = (void *) 0x137a090

(gdb) print ((struct draw_context *)(pipe->draw))->pipeline
$6 = {first = 0xffda006dffdc006e, validate = 0xffd40069ffd9006c,
flatshade = 0xffe6007affe7007d, clip =
    0xffe10070ffe30072, cull = 0xffdf006fffe00070, twoside =
0xffdd006effde006f, offset =
    0xffda006dffdc006d, unfilled = 0xffd8006bffd9006c, stipple =
0xffd5006affd6006b, aapoint =
    0xffd00067ffd30069, aaline = 0xff66331aff66331a, pstipple =
0xff66331aff66331a, wide_line =
    0xff66331aff66331a, wide_point = 0xff66331aff66331a, rasterize =
  wide_point_threshold = -3.05987774e+38, wide_line_threshold =
  wide_point_sprites = 26 '\032', line_stipple = 51 '3', point_sprite =
102 'f', verts =
    0xff66331aff66331a <Address 0xff66331aff66331a out of bounds>,
vertex_stride = 4284887834,
  vertex_count = 4284887834}

Which looks like a whole lot of uninitialized..

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