On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 8:31 AM, Marek Olšák <mar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Let's ignore the function name for now, that's easy to change and I am
> open to suggestions. flush_window_resource, flush_shared_resource, and
> sync_shared_resource are possible candidates as well as
> gonna_put_this_resource_on_the_screen_right_away. :) The idea is to
> expose a function which will ensure resource coherency between gallium
> and an external client (it could be another process or another
> device).
resource_resolve, to resolve a resource for an external client having
access to only the winsys_handle?  (And it does not resolve samples.)

I think it should also be called after blit() in the patch, which has
a different semantics.

> Gallium drivers really have no way to know which resource is the
> window front or back buffer. It has always been like that since I
> joined Mesa (about 3.5 years ago). The bind flags won't work, because
> there can be multiple resources with that same flag. Even knowing
> which resource is front and back is useless, because there is only one
> resource which needs to be flushed at a given point and only st/dri
> knows which one it is.
> Well, there is at least something good about classic drivers: They
> don't have to share their DRI support code with everybody else.
> Marek
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 10:24 PM, Roland Scheidegger <srol...@vmware.com> 
> wrote:
>> Am 11.07.2013 20:15, schrieb Marek Olšák:
>>> Hi Roland,
>>> The fast color clear on Radeon doesn't touch the memory of the texture
>>> resource. Instead, it changes some GPU meta data that say the resource
>>> is cleared (the location of the meta data is stored in pipe_resource).
>>> This works fine as long as the gallium pipe_resource structure is used
>>> for accessing the resource. That's not the case with the DDX, which is
>>> responsible for putting the resource on the screen and it obviously
>>> has no idea about the contents of pipe_resource, so it doesn't know
>>> that the resource is in a cleared state and a special "flush"
>>> operation must be done to actually write the "cleared" pixels (which
>>> haven't been overwritten by new geometry of course).
>>> The easiest way to solve this is to "flush" the cleared resource in
>>> SwapBuffers and where the front buffer is flushed. The Gallium driver
>>> can't do it automatically, because it has no notion of front and back
>>> buffers nor does it know which resource must be "flushed". That's why
>>> a new pipe_context function is being proposed, which was originally my
>>> idea.
>> Ok I see now what it's used for. I don't like "expand" though this is
>> more like a resource flush (i.e. do whatever is necessary to make the
>> contents of this resource accessible by some dumb interface which knows
>> nothing about resources).
>> It isn't quite true that the gallium driver doesn't know this is a
>> resource used as a window fb, as those should have the
>> ask me though how they work or if you could figure out what you'd need
>> to flush...
>> As Christoph has said, there pipe_screen.flush_front_buffer which could
>> supposedly do this but it would also present the resource to screen I
>> guess (only really used in sw winsys).
>> So I'm still not really sure if a new function is really needed, I'm not
>> familiar enough with all the interface stuff. If it is though I don't
>> like the name, and it also would need documentation.
>> Roland
>>> This commit only fixes r600g for st/dri. Any other co-state tracker
>>> (like st/egl and st/xlib) will be broken if it's used with r600g. I
>>> think we can ignore st/xlib. Not sure how important st/egl is (not
>>> required for EGL under X).
>>> Marek
>>> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 7:32 PM, Roland Scheidegger <srol...@vmware.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I don't quite understand what this should do, at first sight it looks
>>>> like a ugly hack (which should really not be part of gallium interface)
>>>> to make fast color clearing work better with window framebuffers.
>>>> Seems to go against the idea of resources (which are immutable, well not
>>>> the contents but the properties).
>>>> (If anything I wanted an interface to change bind flags for resources
>>>> after initialization, because they are near impossible to guarantee with
>>>> OpenGL's (or d3d9 for that matter) distinct texture/fb model, but that
>>>> would also be quite a hack.)
>>>> Could you elaborate with some example what that's supposed to do in
>>>> practice?
>>>> Roland
>>>> Am 10.07.2013 18:20, schrieb Grigori Goronzy:
>>>>> This interface is used to expand fast-cleared window system
>>>>> colorbuffers.
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  src/gallium/include/pipe/p_context.h                 | 8 ++++++++
>>>>>  src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/common/dri_drawable.c | 4 ++++
>>>>>  src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/dri2.c            | 8 ++++++--
>>>>>  3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/src/gallium/include/pipe/p_context.h 
>>>>> b/src/gallium/include/pipe/p_context.h
>>>>> index aa18cbf..38d5ee6 100644
>>>>> --- a/src/gallium/include/pipe/p_context.h
>>>>> +++ b/src/gallium/include/pipe/p_context.h
>>>>> @@ -354,6 +354,14 @@ struct pipe_context {
>>>>>                                 unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty,
>>>>>                                 unsigned width, unsigned height);
>>>>> +   /**
>>>>> +    * Expand a color resource in-place.
>>>>> +    *
>>>>> +    * \return TRUE if resource was expanded, FALSE otherwise
>>>>> +    */
>>>>> +   boolean (*expand_resource)(struct pipe_context *pipe,
>>>>> +                              struct pipe_resource *dst);
>>>>> +
>>>>>     /** Flush draw commands
>>>>>      *
>>>>>      * \param flags  bitfield of enum pipe_flush_flags values.
>>>>> diff --git a/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/common/dri_drawable.c 
>>>>> b/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/common/dri_drawable.c
>>>>> index 18d8d89..b67a497 100644
>>>>> --- a/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/common/dri_drawable.c
>>>>> +++ b/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/common/dri_drawable.c
>>>>> @@ -448,6 +448,10 @@ dri_flush(__DRIcontext *cPriv,
>>>>>           }
>>>>>           /* FRONT_LEFT is resolved in drawable->flush_frontbuffer. */
>>>>> +      } else if (ctx->st->pipe->expand_resource) {
>>>>> +         /* Expand fast-cleared framebuffer */
>>>>> +         ctx->st->pipe->expand_resource(ctx->st->pipe,
>>>>> +               drawable->textures[ST_ATTACHMENT_BACK_LEFT]);
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        dri_postprocessing(ctx, drawable, ST_ATTACHMENT_BACK_LEFT);
>>>>> diff --git a/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/dri2.c 
>>>>> b/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/dri2.c
>>>>> index 1dcc1f7..97784ec 100644
>>>>> --- a/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/dri2.c
>>>>> +++ b/src/gallium/state_trackers/dri/drm/dri2.c
>>>>> @@ -490,18 +490,22 @@ dri2_flush_frontbuffer(struct dri_context *ctx,
>>>>>  {
>>>>>     __DRIdrawable *dri_drawable = drawable->dPriv;
>>>>>     struct __DRIdri2LoaderExtensionRec *loader = 
>>>>> drawable->sPriv->dri2.loader;
>>>>> +   struct pipe_context *pipe = ctx->st->pipe;
>>>>>     if (statt != ST_ATTACHMENT_FRONT_LEFT)
>>>>>        return;
>>>>>     if (drawable->stvis.samples > 1) {
>>>>> -      struct pipe_context *pipe = ctx->st->pipe;
>>>>> -
>>>>>        /* Resolve the front buffer. */
>>>>>        dri_pipe_blit(ctx->st->pipe,
>>>>>                      drawable->textures[ST_ATTACHMENT_FRONT_LEFT],
>>>>>                      drawable->msaa_textures[ST_ATTACHMENT_FRONT_LEFT]);
>>>>>        pipe->flush(pipe, NULL, 0);
>>>>> +   } else if (pipe->expand_resource && 
>>>>> drawable->textures[ST_ATTACHMENT_FRONT_LEFT]) {
>>>>> +      /* Expand fast-cleared framebuffer */
>>>>> +      if (pipe->expand_resource(pipe, 
>>>>> drawable->textures[ST_ATTACHMENT_FRONT_LEFT])) {
>>>>> +         pipe->flush(pipe, NULL, 0);
>>>>> +      }
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     if (loader->flushFrontBuffer) {
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