On 07/03/2013 12:03 PM, Matt Turner wrote:
  src/glsl/ast.h | 12 ++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/glsl/ast.h b/src/glsl/ast.h
index 3bb33c5..f00ef3a 100644
--- a/src/glsl/ast.h
+++ b/src/glsl/ast.h
@@ -453,6 +453,18 @@ class ast_declarator_list;

  class ast_struct_specifier : public ast_node {
+   /**
+    * \brief Make a shallow copy of an ast_struct_specifier.
+    *
+    * Use only if the objects are allocated from the same context and will not
+    * be modified. Zeros the inherited ast_node's fields.
+    */
+   ast_struct_specifier(const ast_struct_specifier *that):
+      ast_node(), name(that->name), declarations(that->declarations)
+   {
+      /* empty */
+   }
     ast_struct_specifier(const char *identifier,
                        ast_declarator_list *declarator_list);
     virtual void print(void) const;

See patch 7's review. This isn't a copy constructor. The copy constructor's
signature is T::T(const T&) where T=ast_struct_specifier.

The compiler still generates the default copy constructor, so we get this scary

   ast_struct_specifier orig;
   ... // do stuff to orig

   // This creates the copy you want.
   ast_struct_specifier copy0(&orig);
   assert(copy0.link.next == NULL);

   // If someone accidentally writes this code, it compiles without warning,
   // but creates a buggy copy.
   ast_struct_specifier copy1(orig);
   assert(copy0.link.next == orig.link.next);

There are two ways to safely fix this patch. A C++-way that uses
references, and a way that lets people code in the C-way using pointers.

Fix 1
Change the signature to `ast_struct_specifier(const ast_struct_specifier& 
Then you will have defined the copy ctor, preventing the generation of the 
copy constructor. A possible unwanted side-effect, from the perspective of a C
programmer, is that we must pass the original ast_struct_specifier as a ref 
than a pointer.

Fix 2
Leave the constructor as-is in the patch. Fix the commit subject as discussed in
patch 7's review, since the patch now adds a new constructor, not a copy
constructor. Then, to prevent accidental use of the default copy constructor,
prevent it's generation by declaring it but not providing a definition.
It doesn't matter if you declare it as public or private, since it will
cause a compile-time error either way if anyone tries to use it,
but Google's and LLVM's practice is to declare it private.

Like this:

   class ast_struct_specifier: public ast_node {
      /* Prevent use of copy constructor. */
      ast_struct_specifier(const ast_struct_specifier&);


I prefer 1 because, if we're defining a ctor that looks and acts like the
copy ctor, then let's just define the copy ctor and be done with it.
However, I don't know how you're using this in future patches, so it's
your call.
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