I had previously asserted that it was hard to write a useful, simpler
blit function, but I think this might be it.

This has the side effect of extending the 32k pitch check to a few more
places that were missing it.
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_blit.c        | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_blit.h        | 10 +++
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.c | 15 ++---
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_pixel_copy.c  | 42 +++---------
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_tex_copy.c    | 80 ++++------------------
 5 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_blit.c 
index f9cba85..007f900 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_blit.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_blit.c
@@ -85,6 +85,97 @@ br13_for_cpp(int cpp)
+ * Implements a rectangular block transfer (blit) of pixels between two
+ * miptrees.
+ *
+ * Our blitter can operate on 1, 2, or 4-byte-per-pixel data, with generous,
+ * but limited, pitches and sizes allowed.
+ *
+ * The src/dst coordinates are relative to the given level/slice of the
+ * miptree.
+ *
+ * If @src_flip or @dst_flip is set, then the rectangle within that miptree
+ * will be inverted (including scanline order) when copying.  This is common
+ * in GL when copying between window system and user-created
+ * renderbuffers/textures.
+ */
+intel_miptree_blit(struct intel_context *intel,
+                   struct intel_mipmap_tree *src_mt,
+                   int src_level, int src_slice,
+                   uint32_t src_x, uint32_t src_y, bool src_flip,
+                   struct intel_mipmap_tree *dst_mt,
+                   int dst_level, int dst_slice,
+                   uint32_t dst_x, uint32_t dst_y, bool dst_flip,
+                   uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
+                   GLenum logicop)
+   /* We don't assert on format because we may blit from ARGB8888 to XRGB8888,
+    * for example.
+    */
+   assert(src_mt->cpp == dst_mt->cpp);
+   /* According to the Ivy Bridge PRM, Vol1 Part4, section (Graphics
+    * Data Size Limitations):
+    *
+    *    The BLT engine is capable of transferring very large quantities of
+    *    graphics data. Any graphics data read from and written to the
+    *    destination is permitted to represent a number of pixels that
+    *    occupies up to 65,536 scan lines and up to 32,768 bytes per scan line
+    *    at the destination. The maximum number of pixels that may be
+    *    represented per scan line’s worth of graphics data depends on the
+    *    color depth.
+    *
+    * Furthermore, intel_miptree_blit (which is called below) uses a signed
+    * 16-bit integer to represent buffer pitch, so it can only handle buffer
+    * pitches < 32k.
+    *
+    * As a result of these two limitations, we can only use the blitter to do
+    * this copy when the region's pitch is less than 32k.
+    */
+   if (src_mt->region->pitch > 32768 ||
+       dst_mt->region->pitch > 32768) {
+      perf_debug("Falling back due to >32k pitch\n");
+      return false;
+   }
+   if (src_flip)
+      src_y = src_mt->level[src_level].height - src_y - height;
+   if (dst_flip)
+      dst_y = dst_mt->level[dst_level].height - dst_y - height;
+   int src_pitch = src_mt->region->pitch;
+   if (src_flip != dst_flip)
+      src_pitch = -src_pitch;
+   uint32_t src_image_x, src_image_y;
+   intel_miptree_get_image_offset(src_mt, src_level, src_slice,
+                                  &src_image_x, &src_image_y);
+   src_x += src_image_x;
+   src_y += src_image_y;
+   uint32_t dst_image_x, dst_image_y;
+   intel_miptree_get_image_offset(dst_mt, dst_level, dst_slice,
+                                  &dst_image_x, &dst_image_y);
+   dst_x += dst_image_x;
+   dst_y += dst_image_y;
+   return intelEmitCopyBlit(intel,
+                            src_mt->cpp,
+                            src_pitch,
+                            src_mt->region->bo, src_mt->offset,
+                            src_mt->region->tiling,
+                            dst_mt->region->pitch,
+                            dst_mt->region->bo, dst_mt->offset,
+                            dst_mt->region->tiling,
+                            src_x, src_y,
+                            dst_x, dst_y,
+                            width, height,
+                            logicop);
 /* Copy BitBlt
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_blit.h 
index d195e6b..9bfe91d 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_blit.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_blit.h
@@ -51,6 +51,16 @@ intelEmitCopyBlit(struct intel_context *intel,
                               GLshort w, GLshort h,
                              GLenum logicop );
+bool intel_miptree_blit(struct intel_context *intel,
+                        struct intel_mipmap_tree *src_mt,
+                        int src_level, int src_slice,
+                        uint32_t src_x, uint32_t src_y, bool src_flip,
+                        struct intel_mipmap_tree *dst_mt,
+                        int dst_level, int dst_slice,
+                        uint32_t dst_x, uint32_t dst_y, bool dst_flip,
+                        uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
+                        GLenum logicop);
 intelEmitImmediateColorExpandBlit(struct intel_context *intel,
                                  GLuint cpp,
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.c 
index 0278799..eedf80c 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_mipmap_tree.c
@@ -925,17 +925,10 @@ intel_miptree_copy_slice(struct intel_context *intel,
    intel_miptree_slice_resolve_depth(intel, src_mt, level, slice);
    intel_miptree_slice_resolve_depth(intel, dst_mt, level, slice);
-   if (!intelEmitCopyBlit(intel,
-                         dst_mt->region->cpp,
-                         src_mt->region->pitch, src_mt->region->bo,
-                         0, src_mt->region->tiling,
-                         dst_mt->region->pitch, dst_mt->region->bo,
-                         0, dst_mt->region->tiling,
-                         src_x, src_y,
-                         dst_x, dst_y,
-                         width, height,
-                         GL_COPY)) {
+   if (!intel_miptree_blit(intel,
+                           src_mt, level, slice, 0, 0, false,
+                           dst_mt, level, slice, 0, 0, false,
+                           width, height, GL_COPY)) {
       perf_debug("miptree validate blit for %s failed\n",
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_pixel_copy.c 
index 34376ba..22285c0 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_pixel_copy.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_pixel_copy.c
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@ do_blit_copypixels(struct gl_context * ctx,
    GLint orig_dsty;
    GLint orig_srcx;
    GLint orig_srcy;
-   bool flip = false;
    struct intel_renderbuffer *draw_irb = NULL;
    struct intel_renderbuffer *read_irb = NULL;
    gl_format read_format, draw_format;
@@ -176,39 +175,14 @@ do_blit_copypixels(struct gl_context * ctx,
    dstx += srcx - orig_srcx;
    dsty += srcy - orig_srcy;
-   /* Flip dest Y if it's a window system framebuffer. */
-   if (_mesa_is_winsys_fbo(fb)) {
-      /* copypixels to a window system framebuffer */
-      dsty = fb->Height - dsty - height;
-      flip = !flip;
-   }
-   /* Flip source Y if it's a window system framebuffer. */
-   if (_mesa_is_winsys_fbo(read_fb)) {
-      srcy = read_fb->Height - srcy - height;
-      flip = !flip;
-   }
-   srcx += read_irb->draw_x;
-   srcy += read_irb->draw_y;
-   dstx += draw_irb->draw_x;
-   dsty += draw_irb->draw_y;
-   uint32_t src_pitch = read_irb->mt->region->pitch;
-   if (flip)
-      src_pitch = -src_pitch;
-   if (!intelEmitCopyBlit(intel,
-                          draw_irb->mt->cpp,
-                          src_pitch, read_irb->mt->region->bo,
-                          0, read_irb->mt->region->tiling,
-                          draw_irb->mt->region->pitch, 
-                          0, draw_irb->mt->region->tiling,
-                          srcx, srcy,
-                          dstx, dsty,
-                          width, height,
-                          ctx->Color.ColorLogicOpEnabled ?
-                          ctx->Color.LogicOp : GL_COPY)) {
+   if (!intel_miptree_blit(intel,
+                           read_irb->mt, read_irb->mt_level, 
+                           srcx, srcy, _mesa_is_winsys_fbo(read_fb),
+                           draw_irb->mt, draw_irb->mt_level, 
+                           dstx, dsty, _mesa_is_winsys_fbo(fb),
+                           width, height,
+                           (ctx->Color.ColorLogicOpEnabled ?
+                            ctx->Color.LogicOp : GL_COPY))) {
       DBG("%s: blit failure\n", __FUNCTION__);
       return false;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_tex_copy.c 
index 6043ed2..7a38082 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_tex_copy.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_tex_copy.c
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ intel_copy_texsubimage(struct intel_context *intel,
                        GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)
    struct gl_context *ctx = &intel->ctx;
-   struct intel_region *region;
    const GLenum internalFormat = intelImage->base.Base.InternalFormat;
    bool copy_supported = false;
    bool copy_supported_with_alpha_override = false;
@@ -68,32 +67,8 @@ intel_copy_texsubimage(struct intel_context *intel,
         fprintf(stderr, "%s fail %p %p (0x%08x)\n",
                 __FUNCTION__, intelImage->mt, irb, internalFormat);
       return false;
-   } else {
-      region = irb->mt->region;
-      assert(region);
-   /* According to the Ivy Bridge PRM, Vol1 Part4, section (Graphics
-    * Data Size Limitations):
-    *
-    *    The BLT engine is capable of transferring very large quantities of
-    *    graphics data. Any graphics data read from and written to the
-    *    destination is permitted to represent a number of pixels that
-    *    occupies up to 65,536 scan lines and up to 32,768 bytes per scan line
-    *    at the destination. The maximum number of pixels that may be
-    *    represented per scan line’s worth of graphics data depends on the
-    *    color depth.
-    *
-    * Furthermore, intelEmitCopyBlit (which is called below) uses a signed
-    * 16-bit integer to represent buffer pitch, so it can only handle buffer
-    * pitches < 32k.
-    *
-    * As a result of these two limitations, we can only use the blitter to do
-    * this copy when the region's pitch is less than 32k.
-    */
-   if (region->pitch >= 32768)
-      return false;
    if (intelImage->base.Base.TexObject->Target == GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY ||
        intelImage->base.Base.TexObject->Target == GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY) {
       perf_debug("no support for array textures\n");
@@ -121,47 +96,20 @@ intel_copy_texsubimage(struct intel_context *intel,
       return false;
-   {
-      GLuint image_x, image_y;
-      GLshort src_pitch;
-      /* get dest x/y in destination texture */
-      intel_miptree_get_image_offset(intelImage->mt,
-                                    intelImage->base.Base.Level,
-                                    intelImage->base.Base.Face,
-                                    &image_x, &image_y);
-      /* The blitter can't handle Y-tiled buffers. */
-      if (intelImage->mt->region->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      if (_mesa_is_winsys_fbo(ctx->ReadBuffer)) {
-        /* Flip vertical orientation for system framebuffers */
-        y = ctx->ReadBuffer->Height - (y + height);
-        src_pitch = -region->pitch;
-      } else {
-        /* reading from a FBO, y is already oriented the way we like */
-        src_pitch = region->pitch;
-      }
-      /* blit from src buffer to texture */
-      if (!intelEmitCopyBlit(intel,
-                            intelImage->mt->cpp,
-                            src_pitch,
-                            region->bo,
-                            0,
-                            region->tiling,
-                            intelImage->mt->region->pitch,
-                            intelImage->mt->region->bo,
-                            0,
-                            intelImage->mt->region->tiling,
-                            irb->draw_x + x, irb->draw_y + y,
-                            image_x + dstx, image_y + dsty,
-                            width, height,
-                            GL_COPY)) {
-        return false;
-      }
+   /* The blitter can't handle Y-tiled buffers. */
+   if (intelImage->mt->region->tiling == I915_TILING_Y) {
+      return false;
+   }
+   /* blit from src buffer to texture */
+   if (!intel_miptree_blit(intel,
+                           irb->mt, irb->mt_level, irb->mt_layer,
+                           x, y, irb->Base.Base.Name == 0,
+                           intelImage->mt, intelImage->base.Base.Level,
+                           intelImage->base.Base.Face,
+                           dstx, dsty, false,
+                           width, height, GL_COPY)) {
+      return false;
    if (copy_supported_with_alpha_override)

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