My name is Sida Li and I am a senior student from Peking University in China. I
am interested in the idea that improved application of GLSL complier
I have downloaded the source code and read some parts of the it. First let me
talk about my understanding about the problem.
The loop we try to improve should be in the main.cpp:
do {
progress = do_common_optimization(shader->ir, false, false, 32);
} while (progress);
In the function do_common_optimization, all optimization passes are called in a
certain order. As the loop goes in a few times, some optimization passes do not
contribute to optimizing the code since the original unoptimized code has been
optimized and no more code that can be optimized by these optimization passes
is generated by other optimization passes. So time spending on these
optimization passes is wasted.
The goal is to find a static ordering, with possible repeats, of optimization
passes that does not compromise the quality of the generated code. I find it
difficult to start because a single optimization pass or a combo of
optimization passes may generate some code that can be optimized by other
optimization pass, which can not be decided before.
Can you give me some advice?
Best regards,
Sida Li
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