Chad Versace <> writes:

> Hash: SHA1
> I'm seeking feedback on an EGL extension that I'm drafting. The ideas have
> already been discussed at Khronos meetings to a good reception, but I want
> feedback from Mesa developers too.
> Summary
> - -------
> The extension, tentatively named EGL_EXT_platform_display, enables EGL clients
> to specify to which platform (X11, Wayland, gbm, etc) an EGL resource
> (EGLDisplay, EGLSurface, etc) belongs when the resource is derived from
> a platform-native type. As a corollary, the extension enables the creation of
> EGL resources from different platforms within a single process.
> Feedback
> - --------
> I'd like to hear feeback about the details below. Do you see any potential
> problems? Is it lacking a feature that you believe should be present?

Seems pretty reasonable as an outline.  I'm not clear, though, what are
the rules on sharing EGL resources like EGLImages between EGLDisplays?

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