Marek Olšák <> writes:

> I've had no problem with debugging even with -O2. Yeah, gdb cannot
> show some variables sometimes, but I rarely had to force CFLAGS to -O0
> to debug an issue. That said, I can continue overriding CFLAGS and
> CXXFLAGS like I do now if the majority of people think that
> --disable-optimizations would be useless.
> Right now I use:
> CFLAGS="-DDEBUG -O2 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer"

I'm also one of those that uses --enable-debug but forces -O2, because I
need something that at least vaguely resembles real-world performance.
--enable-debug is up to a 30% hit on CPU-bound apps, but it can be close

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