Matt Turner <> writes:
> The 4.2 and 4.3 specs say
> ... but no object is associated with them until the first time they
> are used by BeginQuery, BeginQueryIndexed, or QueryCounter.
> BeginQuery vs BeginQueryIndexed are no problem, since _mesa_BeginQuery
> internally is implemented with the -Indexed version. Is the
> QueryCounter change actually a change in behavior or should be be
> implementing that now too?

I think that's a useful clarification in the specification, and I'll fix
my patch to update the IsQuery flag there as well.

(I was working from the 3.1 specification which doesn't have
QueryCounter. The 3.3 specification adds QueryCounter, and didn't change
this sentence, but probably should have, which was fixed by the time of

Thanks for the catch,



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