The GLSL 1.30 spec only allows vertex shader outputs and fragment
shader inputs ("varyings" in pre-GLSL-1.30 parlance) to be of type
int, uint, float, or vectors, matrices, or arrays thereof.  Bools,
bvec's, and structs are prohibited.  (Integral varyings were
prohibited prior to GLSL 1.30).

Previously, Mesa only performed this check on variables declared with
the "varying" keyword, and it always performed the check according to
the pre-GLSL-1.30 rules.  As a result, bools and structs were allowed
to slip through, provided they were declared using the new in/out

This patch modifies the error check so that it occurs after "varying"
is converted to "in/out", and corrects it to properly account for GLSL

Fixes piglit tests:
 src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp b/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
index a14fe7d..f934c8e 100644
--- a/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/ast_to_hir.cpp
@@ -1910,6 +1910,29 @@ ast_type_specifier::glsl_type(const char **name,
+ * Determine whether a toplevel variable declaration declares a varying.  This
+ * function operates by examining the variable's mode and the shader target,
+ * so it correctly identifies linkage variables regardless of whether they are
+ * declared using the deprecated "varying" syntax or the new "in/out" syntax.
+ *
+ * Passing a non-toplevel variable declaration (e.g. a function parameter) to
+ * this function will produce undefined results.
+ */
+static bool
+is_varying_var(ir_variable *var, _mesa_glsl_parser_targets target)
+   switch (target) {
+   case vertex_shader:
+      return var->mode == ir_var_out;
+   case fragment_shader:
+      return var->mode == ir_var_in;
+   default:
+      return var->mode == ir_var_out || var->mode == ir_var_in;
+   }
 static void
 apply_type_qualifier_to_variable(const struct ast_type_qualifier *qual,
                                 ir_variable *var,
@@ -1945,27 +1968,6 @@ apply_type_qualifier_to_variable(const struct 
ast_type_qualifier *qual,
-   /* From page 25 (page 31 of the PDF) of the GLSL 1.10 spec:
-    *
-    *     "The varying qualifier can be used only with the data types
-    *     float, vec2, vec3, vec4, mat2, mat3, and mat4, or arrays of
-    *     these."
-    */
-   if (qual->flags.q.varying) {
-      const glsl_type *non_array_type;
-      if (var->type && var->type->is_array())
-        non_array_type = var->type->fields.array;
-      else
-        non_array_type = var->type;
-      if (non_array_type && non_array_type->base_type != GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT) {
-        var->type = glsl_type::error_type;
-        _mesa_glsl_error(loc, state,
-                         "varying variables must be of base type float");
-      }
-   }
    /* If there is no qualifier that changes the mode of the variable, leave
     * the setting alone.
@@ -1980,6 +1982,54 @@ apply_type_qualifier_to_variable(const struct 
ast_type_qualifier *qual,
    else if (qual->flags.q.uniform)
       var->mode = ir_var_uniform;
+   if (!is_parameter && is_varying_var(var, state->target)) {
+      /* This variable is being used to link data between shader stages (in
+       * pre-glsl-1.30 parlance, it's a "varying").  Check that it has a type
+       * that is allowed for such purposes.
+       *
+       * From page 25 (page 31 of the PDF) of the GLSL 1.10 spec:
+       *
+       *     "The varying qualifier can be used only with the data types
+       *     float, vec2, vec3, vec4, mat2, mat3, and mat4, or arrays of
+       *     these."
+       *
+       * This was relaxed in GLSL version 1.30 and GLSL ES version 3.00.  From
+       * page 31 (page 37 of the PDF) of the GLSL 1.30 spec:
+       *
+       *     "Fragment inputs can only be signed and unsigned integers and
+       *     integer vectors, float, floating-point vectors, matrices, or
+       *     arrays of these. Structures cannot be input.
+       *
+       * Similar text exists in the section on vertex shader outputs.
+       *
+       * Similar text exists in the GLSL ES 3.00 spec, except that the GLSL ES
+       * 3.00 spec claims to allow structs as well.  However, this is likely
+       * an error, since section 11 of the spec ("Counting of Inputs and
+       * Outputs") enumerates all possible types of interstage linkage
+       * variables, and it does not mention structs.
+       */
+      switch (var->type->get_scalar_type()->base_type) {
+      case GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT:
+         /* Ok in all GLSL versions */
+         break;
+      case GLSL_TYPE_UINT:
+      case GLSL_TYPE_INT:
+         if (state->is_version(130, 300))
+            break;
+         _mesa_glsl_error(loc, state,
+                          "varying variables must be of base type float in %s",
+                          state->get_version_string());
+         break;
+      case GLSL_TYPE_STRUCT:
+         _mesa_glsl_error(loc, state,
+                          "varying variables may not be of type struct");
+         break;
+      default:
+         _mesa_glsl_error(loc, state, "illegal type for a varying variable");
+         break;
+      }
+   }
    if (state->all_invariant && (state->current_function == NULL)) {
       switch (state->target) {
       case vertex_shader:

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