Jordan Justen <> writes:

> These functions will no longer be enabled for CORE profiles:
> * ResizeBuffersMESA

GL_MESA_resize_buffers is marked GL not GLL.

> * MultiModeDrawArraysIBM
> * MultiModeDrawElementsIBM

GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays is marked GL not GLL, but I don't think we
should bother with it in core, and it's probably a good candidate for

> * DepthBoundsEXT

GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test is marked GL not GLL.

> * ObjectPurgeableAPPLE
> * ObjectUnpurgeableAPPLE
> * GetObjectParameterivAPPLE

GL_apple_object_purgeable should also still be around.

> * VertexAttribDivisorARB

Same, GL_ARB_instanced_arrays.

> * TextureBarrierNV

Same, GL_NV_texture_barrier.

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