I've trimmed the removed files here because the patch was huuuuuge.

 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/Makefile.sources |    6 -
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm.c         |   55 -
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm.h         |  364 ------
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_debug.c   |  174 ---
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_emit.c    | 1927 ----------------------------
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_fp.c      | 1182 -----------------
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_pass0.c   |  445 -------
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_pass1.c   |  298 -----
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_pass2.c   |  359 ------
 9 files changed, 4810 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_debug.c
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_emit.c
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_fp.c
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_pass0.c
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_pass1.c
 delete mode 100644 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_pass2.c

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/Makefile.sources 
index edc2376..125aac5 100644

--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/Makefile.sources
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/Makefile.sources
@@ -74,13 +74,7 @@ i965_C_FILES = \
        brw_vs_surface_state.c \
        brw_vtbl.c \
        brw_wm.c \
-       brw_wm_debug.c \
-       brw_wm_emit.c \
-       brw_wm_fp.c \
        brw_wm_iz.c \
-       brw_wm_pass0.c \
-       brw_wm_pass1.c \
-       brw_wm_pass2.c \
        brw_wm_sampler_state.c \
        brw_wm_state.c \
        brw_wm_surface_state.c \
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm.c 
index 47151f0..7528c2e 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm.c
@@ -39,52 +39,6 @@
 #include "glsl/ralloc.h"
-/** Return number of src args for given instruction */
-GLuint brw_wm_nr_args( GLuint opcode )
-   switch (opcode) {
-   case WM_PIXELXY:
-      return 0;
-   case WM_CINTERP:
-   case WM_WPOSXY:
-   case WM_DELTAXY:
-      return 1;
-   case WM_LINTERP:
-   case WM_PIXELW:
-      return 2;
-   case WM_FB_WRITE:
-   case WM_PINTERP:
-      return 3;
-   default:
-      assert(opcode < MAX_OPCODE);
-      return _mesa_num_inst_src_regs(opcode);
-   }
-GLuint brw_wm_is_scalar_result( GLuint opcode )
-   switch (opcode) {
-   case OPCODE_COS:
-   case OPCODE_EX2:
-   case OPCODE_LG2:
-   case OPCODE_POW:
-   case OPCODE_RCP:
-   case OPCODE_RSQ:
-   case OPCODE_SIN:
-   case OPCODE_DP2:
-   case OPCODE_DP3:
-   case OPCODE_DP4:
-   case OPCODE_DPH:
-   case OPCODE_DST:
-      return 1;
-   default:
-      return 0;
-   }
  * Return a bitfield where bit n is set if barycentric interpolation mode n
  * (see enum brw_wm_barycentric_interp_mode) is needed by the fragment shader.
@@ -273,15 +227,7 @@ bool do_wm_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
          return false;
    } else {
-      void *instruction = c->instruction;
-      void *prog_instructions = c->prog_instructions;
-      void *vreg = c->vreg;
-      void *refs = c->refs;
       memset(c, 0, sizeof(*brw->wm.compile_data));
-      c->instruction = instruction;
-      c->prog_instructions = prog_instructions;
-      c->vreg = vreg;
-      c->refs = refs;
    /* Allocate the references to the uniforms that will end up in the
@@ -308,7 +254,6 @@ bool do_wm_prog(struct brw_context *brw,
    memcpy(&c->key, key, sizeof(*key));
    c->fp = fp;
-   c->env_param = brw->intel.ctx.FragmentProgram.Parameters;
    brw_init_compile(brw, &c->func, c);
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm.h 
index a4b2046..46d4416 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm.h
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@
 #include "brw_eu.h"
 #include "brw_program.h"
-#define SATURATE (1<<5)
 /* A big lookup table is used to figure out which and how many
  * additional regs will inserted before the main payload in the WM
  * program execution.  These mainly relate to depth and stencil
@@ -78,112 +76,6 @@ struct brw_wm_prog_key {
    struct brw_sampler_prog_key_data tex;
-/* A bit of a glossary:
- *
- * brw_wm_value: A computed value or program input.  Values are
- * constant, they are created once and are never modified.  When a
- * fragment program register is written or overwritten, new values are
- * created fresh, preserving the rule that values are constant.
- *
- * brw_wm_ref: A reference to a value.  Wherever a value used is by an
- * instruction or as a program output, that is tracked with an
- * instance of this struct.  All references to a value occur after it
- * is created.  After the last reference, a value is dead and can be
- * discarded.
- *
- * brw_wm_grf: Represents a physical hardware register.  May be either
- * empty or hold a value.  Register allocation is the process of
- * assigning values to grf registers.  This occurs in pass2 and the
- * brw_wm_grf struct is not used before that.
- *
- * Fragment program registers: These are time-varying constructs that
- * are hard to reason about and which we translate away in pass0.  A
- * single fragment program register element (eg. temp[0].x) will be
- * translated to one or more brw_wm_value structs, one for each time
- * that temp[0].x is written to during the program. 
- */
-/* Used in pass2 to track register allocation.
- */
-struct brw_wm_grf {
-   struct brw_wm_value *value;
-   GLuint nextuse;
-struct brw_wm_value {
-   struct brw_reg hw_reg;      /* emitted to this reg, may not always be there 
-   struct brw_wm_ref *lastuse;
-   struct brw_wm_grf *resident; 
-   GLuint contributes_to_output:1;
-   GLuint spill_slot:16;       /* if non-zero, spill immediately after 
calculation */
-struct brw_wm_ref {
-   struct brw_reg hw_reg;      /* nr filled in in pass2, everything else, 
pass0 */
-   struct brw_wm_value *value;
-   struct brw_wm_ref *prevuse;
-   GLuint unspill_reg:7;       /* unspill to reg */
-   GLuint emitted:1;
-   GLuint insn:24;
-struct brw_wm_constref {
-   const struct brw_wm_ref *ref;
-   GLfloat constval;
-struct brw_wm_instruction {
-   struct brw_wm_value *dst[4];
-   struct brw_wm_ref *src[3][4];
-   GLuint opcode:8;
-   GLuint saturate:1;
-   GLuint writemask:4;
-   GLuint tex_unit:4;   /* texture unit for TEX, TXD, TXP instructions */
-   GLuint tex_idx:4;    /* TEXTURE_1D,2D,3D,CUBE,RECT_INDEX source target */
-   GLuint tex_shadow:1; /* do shadow comparison? */
-   GLuint eot:1;       /* End of thread indicator for FB_WRITE*/
-   GLuint target:10;    /* target binding table index for FB_WRITE*/
-#define BRW_WM_MAX_GRF   128           /* hardware limit */
-#define BRW_WM_MAX_REF   (BRW_WM_MAX_INSN * 12)
-#define BRW_WM_MAX_PARAM 256
-#define BRW_WM_MAX_CONST 256
-/* used in masks next to WRITEMASK_*. */
-#define SATURATE (1<<5)
-/* New opcodes to track internal operations required for WM unit.
- * These are added early so that the registers used can be tracked,
- * freed and reused like those of other instructions.
- */
-#define WM_PIXELXY        (MAX_OPCODE)
-#define WM_DELTAXY        (MAX_OPCODE + 1)
-#define WM_PIXELW         (MAX_OPCODE + 2)
-#define WM_LINTERP        (MAX_OPCODE + 3)
-#define WM_PINTERP        (MAX_OPCODE + 4)
-#define WM_CINTERP        (MAX_OPCODE + 5)
-#define WM_WPOSXY         (MAX_OPCODE + 6)
-#define WM_FB_WRITE       (MAX_OPCODE + 7)
-#define MAX_WM_OPCODE     (MAX_OPCODE + 9)
-#define NUM_FILES        (PROGRAM_PAYLOAD + 1)
-#define PAYLOAD_W         (FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX + 1)
 struct brw_wm_compile {
    struct brw_compile func;
    struct brw_wm_prog_key key;
@@ -191,13 +83,6 @@ struct brw_wm_compile {
    struct brw_fragment_program *fp;
-   GLfloat (*env_param)[4];
-   enum {
-      START,
-      PASS2_DONE
-   } state;
    uint8_t source_depth_reg;
    uint8_t source_w_reg;
    uint8_t aa_dest_stencil_reg;
@@ -208,266 +93,17 @@ struct brw_wm_compile {
    GLuint source_depth_to_render_target:1;
    GLuint runtime_check_aads_emit:1;
-   /* Initial pass - translate fp instructions to fp instructions,
-    * simplifying and adding instructions for interpolation and
-    * framebuffer writes.
-    */
-   struct prog_instruction *prog_instructions;
-   GLuint nr_fp_insns;
-   GLuint fp_temp;
-   GLuint fp_interp_emitted;
-   struct prog_src_register pixel_xy;
-   struct prog_src_register delta_xy;
-   struct prog_src_register pixel_w;
-   struct brw_wm_value *vreg;
-   GLuint nr_vreg;
-   struct brw_wm_value creg[BRW_WM_MAX_PARAM];
-   GLuint nr_creg;
-   struct {
-      struct brw_wm_value depth[4]; /* includes r0/r1 */
-      struct brw_wm_value input_interp[FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX];
-   } payload;
-   const struct brw_wm_ref *pass0_fp_reg[NUM_FILES][256][4];
-   struct brw_wm_ref undef_ref;
-   struct brw_wm_value undef_value;
-   struct brw_wm_ref *refs;
-   GLuint nr_refs;
-   struct brw_wm_instruction *instruction;
-   GLuint nr_insns;
-   struct brw_wm_constref constref[BRW_WM_MAX_CONST];
-   GLuint nr_constrefs;
-   struct brw_wm_grf pass2_grf[BRW_WM_MAX_GRF/2];
-   GLuint grf_limit;
-   GLuint max_wm_grf;
    GLuint last_scratch;
-   GLuint cur_inst;  /**< index of current instruction */
-   bool out_of_regs;  /**< ran out of GRF registers? */
-   /** Mapping from Mesa registers to hardware registers */
-   struct {
-      bool inited;
-      struct brw_reg reg;
-   } wm_regs[NUM_FILES][256][4];
-   bool used_grf[BRW_WM_MAX_GRF];
-   GLuint first_free_grf;
-   struct brw_reg stack;
-   struct brw_reg emit_mask_reg;
-   GLuint tmp_regs[BRW_WM_MAX_GRF];
-   GLuint tmp_index;
-   GLuint tmp_max;
-   GLuint subroutines[BRW_WM_MAX_SUBROUTINE];
    GLuint dispatch_width;
-   /** we may need up to 3 constants per instruction (if use_const_buffer) */
-   struct {
-      GLint index;
-      struct brw_reg reg;
-   } current_const[3];
-/** Bits for prog_instruction::Aux field */
-#define INST_AUX_EOT      0x1
-#define INST_AUX_TARGET(T)  (T << 1)
-#define INST_AUX_GET_TARGET(AUX) ((AUX) >> 1)
-GLuint brw_wm_nr_args( GLuint opcode );
-GLuint brw_wm_is_scalar_result( GLuint opcode );
-void brw_wm_pass_fp( struct brw_wm_compile *c );
-void brw_wm_pass0( struct brw_wm_compile *c );
-void brw_wm_pass1( struct brw_wm_compile *c );
-void brw_wm_pass2( struct brw_wm_compile *c );
-void brw_wm_emit( struct brw_wm_compile *c );
-bool brw_wm_arg_can_be_immediate(enum prog_opcode, int arg);
-void brw_wm_print_value( struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-                        struct brw_wm_value *value );
-void brw_wm_print_ref( struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-                      struct brw_wm_ref *ref );
-void brw_wm_print_insn( struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-                       struct brw_wm_instruction *inst );
-void brw_wm_print_program( struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-                          const char *stage );
 void brw_wm_lookup_iz(struct intel_context *intel,
                      struct brw_wm_compile *c);
 bool brw_wm_fs_emit(struct brw_context *brw, struct brw_wm_compile *c,
                    struct gl_shader_program *prog);
-/* brw_wm_emit.c */
-void emit_alu1(struct brw_compile *p,
-              struct brw_instruction *(*func)(struct brw_compile *,
-                                              struct brw_reg,
-                                              struct brw_reg),
-              const struct brw_reg *dst,
-              GLuint mask,
-              const struct brw_reg *arg0);
-void emit_alu2(struct brw_compile *p,
-              struct brw_instruction *(*func)(struct brw_compile *,
-                                              struct brw_reg,
-                                              struct brw_reg,
-                                              struct brw_reg),
-              const struct brw_reg *dst,
-              GLuint mask,
-              const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-              const struct brw_reg *arg1);
-void emit_cinterp(struct brw_compile *p,
-                 const struct brw_reg *dst,
-                 GLuint mask,
-                 const struct brw_reg *arg0);
-void emit_cmp(struct brw_compile *p,
-             const struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint mask,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg1,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg2);
-void emit_ddxy(struct brw_compile *p,
-              const struct brw_reg *dst,
-              GLuint mask,
-              bool is_ddx,
-              const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-              bool negate_value);
-void emit_delta_xy(struct brw_compile *p,
-                  const struct brw_reg *dst,
-                  GLuint mask,
-                  const struct brw_reg *arg0);
-void emit_dp2(struct brw_compile *p,
-             const struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint mask,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg1);
-void emit_dp3(struct brw_compile *p,
-             const struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint mask,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg1);
-void emit_dp4(struct brw_compile *p,
-             const struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint mask,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg1);
-void emit_dph(struct brw_compile *p,
-             const struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint mask,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg1);
-void emit_fb_write(struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-                  struct brw_reg *arg0,
-                  struct brw_reg *arg1,
-                  struct brw_reg *arg2,
-                  GLuint target,
-                  GLuint eot);
-void emit_frontfacing(struct brw_compile *p,
-                     const struct brw_reg *dst,
-                     GLuint mask);
-void emit_linterp(struct brw_compile *p,
-                 const struct brw_reg *dst,
-                 GLuint mask,
-                 const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-                 const struct brw_reg *deltas);
-void emit_lrp(struct brw_compile *p,
-             const struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint mask,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg1,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg2);
-void emit_mad(struct brw_compile *p,
-             const struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint mask,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg1,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg2);
-void emit_math1(struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-               GLuint function,
-               const struct brw_reg *dst,
-               GLuint mask,
-               const struct brw_reg *arg0);
-void emit_math2(struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-               GLuint function,
-               const struct brw_reg *dst,
-               GLuint mask,
-               const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-               const struct brw_reg *arg1);
-void emit_min(struct brw_compile *p,
-             const struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint mask,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg1);
-void emit_max(struct brw_compile *p,
-             const struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint mask,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg1);
-void emit_pinterp(struct brw_compile *p,
-                 const struct brw_reg *dst,
-                 GLuint mask,
-                 const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-                 const struct brw_reg *deltas,
-                 const struct brw_reg *w);
-void emit_pixel_xy(struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-                  const struct brw_reg *dst,
-                  GLuint mask);
-void emit_pixel_w(struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-                 const struct brw_reg *dst,
-                 GLuint mask,
-                 const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-                 const struct brw_reg *deltas);
-void emit_sop(struct brw_compile *p,
-             const struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint mask,
-             GLuint cond,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg1);
-void emit_sign(struct brw_compile *p,
-              const struct brw_reg *dst,
-              GLuint mask,
-              const struct brw_reg *arg0);
-void emit_tex(struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-             struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint dst_flags,
-             struct brw_reg *arg,
-             struct brw_reg depth_payload,
-             GLuint tex_idx,
-             GLuint sampler,
-             bool shadow);
-void emit_txb(struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-             struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint dst_flags,
-             struct brw_reg *arg,
-             struct brw_reg depth_payload,
-             GLuint tex_idx,
-             GLuint sampler);
-void emit_wpos_xy(struct brw_wm_compile *c,
-                 const struct brw_reg *dst,
-                 GLuint mask,
-                 const struct brw_reg *arg0);
-void emit_xpd(struct brw_compile *p,
-             const struct brw_reg *dst,
-             GLuint mask,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg0,
-             const struct brw_reg *arg1);
 GLboolean brw_link_shader(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_shader_program 
 struct gl_shader *brw_new_shader(struct gl_context *ctx, GLuint name, GLuint 
 struct gl_shader_program *brw_new_shader_program(struct gl_context *ctx, 
GLuint name);
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm_debug.c 
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a91251..0000000

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