On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 03:19:44PM -0700, Brian Paul wrote:
> On 09/12/2012 03:09 PM, Andy Ritger wrote:
> > There was some recent Khronos discussion about updating the OpenGL
> > Implementer's Guide for Linux, to which Ian Romanick noted that this
> > topic will be discussed at XDC as part of the broad "Discuss the future
> > of EGL, GLX, and OpenGL ES on Linux" agenda item.
> >
> > To help facilitate the XDC discussion, I've put together a straw-man
> > proposal for an updated Linux OpenGL ABI.  I'm sending this out now to
> > start generating feedback and ideas, to help make the XDC discussion as
> > productive as possible.
> I only have time now to just skim over this but it looks pretty good. 
Thanks, Brian.

>   Are you hoping to get a "2012" ABI spec by the end of the year?

Heh, maybe that is overly optimistic :)  We'll see how far we get and how 

> BTW, this wouldn't part of the ABI proper, but if we're making 
> suggestions for Linux distros, maybe we can suggest that they ship 
> helpful utilities like glxinfo and eglinfo.

Sure, a "Recommendations for Linux Distributors" section might make
sense as a place to define recommended utilities like that.

- Andy

> -Brian
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