Ken Phillis Jr <> writes:

> Hi, I am looking to enter the Xorg EVoC for 2012, and am wanting to Implement
> two Core extensions for OpenGL 4.0 and GLSL 4.00.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Name:
>       Piglit - Implement Tessellation shaders Extension Tests
> Summary:
>       To implement the initial Tessellation shader support into the Piglit 
> testing
>       framework. This will be done using extensions to OpenGL 3.2, and GLSL 
> 1.50.
>       These extensions are called ARB_tessellation_shader, and 
> ARB_gpu_shader5.

This is also a bit of putting the cart in front of the horse in terms of
piglit's development, since we don't even have geometry shader testing
yet, which is required for tesselation.  Intel's plans at least don't
have us doing GL 3.2 (geometry shaders) until 2013, and I don't expect
other community folks to jump on it, at least testing-wise, before then.

> Description:
>       I would like to start off by studying the Piglit code base, and looking 
> at
>       what changes are required so that the OpenGL 3.20, and GLSL 1.50 overall
>       requirements for these extensions are met. If there is no major problems
>       with the current framework, I'll start Implementing the numerous tests 
> of
>       ARB_tessellation_shader. Once I finish Implementing the tests for this
>       extension, I will move on to the ARB_gpu_shader5 extension, and 
> Implement
>       the core of this extension. Once both Extensions are finished, I will 
> start
>       implementation of the Interaction tests with other extensions.
>       At the end of each Stage I will submit a review of All the code written 
> up
>       to that point, and Improve the overall readability. This includes adding
>       documentation, and comments where Features are added and/or modified.

The piece I'm wondering about is how you're going to test your test
code.  You didn't mention what drivers you'd be working with to do so.
Do you have both AMD and NVIDIA hardware available that you can validate
your tests against?  Though both drivers frequently have conformance
issues, you usually need to have some explanation for what they're doing
and how it's wrong.

> Schedule:
>       I plan on working on this project full time for 10 to 14 weeks, and then
>       continue working on this project for another 2 to 4 weeks part time
>       improving documentation and code readability.
>               *Week 1: Study the Specifications and Piglit's Design, and Start
>                       implementing the Missing features that will prevent 
> general testing
>                       of these two extensions. If no Changes are required, the
>                       Implementation of ARB_tessellation_shader will start.
>               *Week 2-4: Continue Implementing the tests and Utilities for the
>                       extension ARB_tessellation_shader.
>               *Week 5: Submit the ARB_tessellation_shader source for Code 
> Review, and
>                       begin Implementing ARB_gpu_shader5 Utilities and tests.

Please start submitting new tests as soon as you have a couple done and
ready.  It would be sad to get to week 5 and find a bunch of coding
style-type issues that you had to go fix up on all the tests.

>               *Week 6-7: Continue the ARB_gpu_shader5 Implementation.
>               *Week 8: Submit ARB_gpu_shader5 sources for Code Review, and 
> then begin
>                       Implementing the code review changes for 
> ARB_tessellation_shader.
>               *Week 9: Continue Implementing code review Changes, and begin 
> work on
>                       ARB_gpu_shader5, and ARB_tessellation_shader 
> interactions.
>               *Week 10-12: Continue Implementation of Interactions, and Apply
>                       changes suggested in code review.
>               *Week 13+: Submit Code for Final Review Once Again, and apply 
> fixes.

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