Kristian Høgsberg <> writes:
> +static __DRIimage *
> +intel_create_sub_image(__DRIimage *parent,
> +                       int width, int height, int dri_format,
> +                       int offset, int pitch, void *loaderPrivate)
> +{
> +    __DRIimage *image;
> +
> +    image = intel_allocate_image(dri_format, loaderPrivate);
> +
> +    image->region = calloc(sizeof(*image->region), 1);
> +    if (image->region == NULL) {
> +       FREE(image);
> +       return NULL;
> +    }
> +
> +    image->region->cpp = _mesa_get_format_bytes(image->format);
> +    image->region->width = width;
> +    image->region->height = height;
> +    image->region->pitch = pitch;
> +    image->region->refcount = 1;
> +    image->region->bo = parent->region->bo;
> +    drm_intel_bo_reference(image->region->bo);
> +    image->region->tiling = parent->region->tiling;
> +    image->offset = offset;
> +
> +    return image;
> +}

I would be a lot more comfortable if there was some validation that
offset + height * pitch was within the buffer object referenced, at
least.  There's also (offset % tile_width) != 0 possibility, but at
least it wouldn't involve rendering outside the BO afaik.

image->region->screen isn't set, so if intel_query_image() is callable
on it, it would segfault.  Seems like that ought to be fixed.

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