On 8/22/24 1:11 AM, Axel Davy wrote:
Hi there.
Hi Axel!
I think this will surprise no one here, but here we are. I think it's
time for Gallium Nine to end.
Long story short, Gallium Nine was a success. Its purpose is fulfilled.
But there is not enough reasons to keep it around.
Gallium Nine doesn't have enough users anymore and it totally makes
sense why. DXVK just works. Gallium Nine might get you a little less CPU
usage or a few more fps, maybe.
But as PCs have caught up, and users have moved to shinier games with
newer APIs, Gallium Nine is not relevant in the current landmark.
There has been no new volunteers to work on gallium nine for a long
time, and regressions take a long time to get noticed.
Not breaking Nine puts effort on driver devs.
For all these reasons, unless there is vigorous protestations here, I
will propose a PR to remove gallium nine.
Axel Davy
===== Long Version =====
Thank you !
Axel Davy
No, thank YOU for your dedication and I wholeheartedly agree with what
you said about Nine having been a success, even if it has lost its
I think Gallium Nine's place is probably in the Amber branch, for
historical purposes and users who still need it to work on their now-old
hardware. Modern-ish hardware will be better served with DXVK and if
not, the drivers should be improved to support DXVK's needs.
In any case, I hope you will remain in our community and hopefully even
pick up a new project that will be exciting to you and maybe to the
community at large! Your expertise is appreciated :)