> Offscreen test results:
> glmark2 command:
> glmark2-es2-wayland  --off-screen -b shading:duration=5.0 -b refract -b build 
> -b texture -b shadow -b bump -s 640x480 2>&1
> |                 |       glmark2 tests                     |
> | sw ver          |shading|build|texture|refract|shadow|bump|
> |-----------------|-------|-----|-------|-------|------|----|
> | etnaviv (no TS) | 348   | 541 | 466   | 24    | 81   | 498|
> | etnaviv         | 434   | 901 | 832   | 19    | 106  | 871|
> | vivante         | 544   | 956 | 790   | 26    | 225  | 894|
> With TS enabled, offscreen scores improved considerably in some
> individual benchmarks.

Ralized that the last line (vivante) of the above table is wrong for offscreen
results with TS enabled. Correcting it:

glmark2-es2-wayland  --off-screen -b shading:duration=5.0 -b refract -b build 
-b texture -b shadow -b bump -s 640x480 2>&1

|                      |                  glmark2 tests                         
| sw ver               |shading|build|texture   |refract|shadow|bump |
| etnaviv (no TS)      | 348   | 541 | 466      | 24    | 81   | 498 |
| etnaviv              | 434   | 901 | 832      | 19    | 106  | 871 |
| vivante              | 402   | 624 | 520      | 26    | 177  | 557 |

With TS enabled, etnaviv offscreen scores seems to be overall better
than galcore.


João Paulo

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