
I'm using GLES shader to do post-processing on GPU decoded video frame. I found 
sample code to demonstrate buffer sharing between decoder and rendering, the 
method is to create EGLImage texture targets from dma_buf file descriptor by 
using extension "EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import" & "GL_OES_EGL_image_external"

I cannot use EGLImage texture directly, I tried to bind texture objects to 
GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER target, but failed to when access the shader buffer, 
the GL error shows " GL_INVALID_OPERATION in glMapBufferRange(buffer does not 
allow read access)"

Could you kindly give some help:

1. If Mesa provide API to create GL sharder storage buffer from dma_buf file 
2. If EGL can covert EGL texture object to shader storage buffer object?

Zong Wei

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