On Friday, May 21st, 2021 at 1:49 AM, Lyude Paul <ly...@redhat.com> wrote:

> After considering Libera and OFTC as options, the board settled on
> recommending OFTC. The primary reason for this is because OFTC is
> associated with our parent foundation SPI, and has a long and well known
> history of involvement with the open source community. As well, the
> board believes OFTC's current Governance model is a lot more clear then
> Libera's.

I'd personally prefer Libera Chat. They don't yet have a published
formal governance model, but I hope this will come soon. As the former
Freenode staff, I trust them to make sure mistakes from the past won't
be repeated.

Apart from politics, Libera also offers a more modern feature set. This
can ease daily usage, with features such as reliable authentication,
account tracking, and many other IRC protocol improvements. OFTC has
plans to eventually migrate to Solanum, but they don't have the time to
do it for now.

For reference, on OFTC:

    CAP LS 302
    :kinetic.oftc.net CAP * LS :multi-prefix

And on Libera:

    CAP LS 302
    :ruthenium.libera.chat CAP * LS :account-notify away-notify chghost 
extended-join multi-prefix sasl=PLAIN,ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE,EXTERNAL tls 
userhost-in-names account-tag cap-notify echo-message solanum.chat/identify-msg 
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