FYI, I've just recently re-connected Appveyor, after noticing that AppVeyor 
integration got broken for 6 months, and that Mesa MSVC builds got broken for 
two months.

I configured AppVeyor only build master, but it seems that it's not effective, 
unless one modifies appveyor.yml itself.

At any rate, notifications are setup to notify only when build changes state 
(pass <-> fail) so hopefully it won't spam the list, even on branches (such as 
20.3) where MSVC stays broken.

If that doesn't work I can always drop mesa-dev from the list.


From: mesa-dev <> on behalf of AppVeyor 
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2020 18:28
To: <>
Subject: [Mesa-dev] [AppVeyor] mesa staging/20.3 #20 failed

Build mesa 20 

Commit 0cbc19416a by Dylan Baker<> on 11/25/2020 
6:15 PM:
.pick_status.json: Update to ff9ea469f6b319cb07ee1ebbb687fa19c9d48e1c

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