On 2020-02-29 8:46 p.m., Nicolas Dufresne wrote:
> Le samedi 29 février 2020 à 19:14 +0100, Timur Kristóf a écrit :
>> 1. I think we should completely disable running the CI on MRs which are
>> marked WIP. Speaking from personal experience, I usually make a lot of
>> changes to my MRs before they are merged, so it is a waste of CI
>> resources.

Interesting idea, do you want to create an MR implementing it?

> In the mean time, you can help by taking the habit to use:
>   git push -o ci.skip

That breaks Marge Bot.

> Notably, we would like to get rid of the post merge CI, as in a rebase
> flow like we have in GStreamer, it's a really minor risk.

That should be pretty easy, see Mesa and
Something like this should work:

    - if: '$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE != "gstreamer"'
      when: never

This is another interesting idea we could consider for Mesa as well. It
would however require (mostly) banning direct pushes to the main repository.

>> 2. Maybe we could take this one step further and only allow the CI to
>> be only triggered manually instead of automatically on every push.

That would again break Marge Bot.

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |               https://redhat.com
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