Hi list,

I'd like to announce meas 19.3.1. I know it's a week earlier than normal, and
it's a pretty small release. But with the upcoming Holidays (at least for me) it
would otherwise be 4 weeks before a 19.3.1, so I've decided to make an early
release, so that 19.3.2 won't be quite so huge.

There's not much to look at here, just a few small fixes, mostly to Intel
drivers, but with a radv, virgl, and core dri fix too.

See you in the new year with a 19.3.2,


Bas Nieuwenhuizen (2):
      amd/common: Fix tcCompatible degradation on Stoney.
      amd/common: Always use addrlib for HTILE tc-compat.

Dylan Baker (4):
      docs/19.3.0: Add SHA256 sums
      cherry-ignore: update for the 19.3.1 cycle
      docs: remove new_features.txt from stable branch
      VERSION: bump version for 19.3.1

Gert Wollny (1):
      virgl: Increase the shader transfer buffer by doubling the size

Iván Briano (1):
      anv: Export filter_minmax support only when it's really supported

Kenneth Graunke (1):
      iris: Default to X-tiling for scanout buffers without modifiers

Lionel Landwerlin (2):
      anv: fix fence underlying primitive checks
      mesa: avoid triggering assert in implementation

Luis Mendes (1):
      radv: fix radv secure compile feature breaks compilation on armhf EABI 
and aarch64

Tapani Pälli (2):
      dri: add __DRI_IMAGE_FORMAT_SXRGB8
      i965: expose MESA_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_SRGB visual

git tag: mesa-19.3.1

SHA256: cd951db69c56a97ff0570a7ab2c0e39e6c5323f4cd8f4eb8274723e033beae59  
PGP:  https://mesa.freedesktop.org/archive/mesa-19.3.1.tar.xz.sig

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Description: signature

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