
the following patch series is the first part of cleaning up docs/.

Please review and commit.

The next steps are:
- finish html cleanup (more well-formed html)
    Tools I'm using:
    * http://validator.w3.org/
    * http://tidy.sourceforge.net/
- update docs content
- drop obsolete docs

@ release manager
Is there a script for converting the git shortlog into html in relnotes-*.html 
or are they converted by hand?
The reason I'm asking is that not all html special chars are correctly escaped 
and the changes are not well-formed.

e.g. relnotes-8.0.3.html:

> <p>Alban Browaeys (1):
>  <ul>
>  <li>dri/i915: Fix off-by-one in i830 clip region size.</li>
> </ul></p>

well-formed html:

<p>Alban Browaeys (1):</p>
  <li>dri/i915: Fix off-by-one in i830 clip region size.</li>


Andreas Boll (11):
  docs: consolidate html header and footer
  docs: escape special html chars
  docs: fix html end/start tags
  docs/news.html: use proper markup
  docs/subset-A.html: fix markup
  docs: use id instead of <a name>
  docs: prefer lowercase html tags
  docs: remove unused anchor links
  docs: remove unused table styles
  docs: remove some superfluous <p> tags
  docs: whitespaces cleanup

 docs/autoconf.html        |   15 ++--
 docs/banner.html          |   52 ++++++-----
 docs/bugs.html            |   22 +++---
 docs/conform.html         |   19 ++--
 docs/contents.html        |   74 ++++++++--------
 docs/debugging.html       |   21 +++--
 docs/developers.html      |   19 ++--
 docs/devinfo.html         |   33 ++++----
 docs/dispatch.html        |   50 +++++------
 docs/download.html        |   25 +++---
 docs/egl.html             |   13 ++--
 docs/envvars.html         |   34 +++----
 docs/extensions.html      |   54 ++++++------
 docs/faq.html             |   87 +++++++++----------
 docs/games.html           |   25 +++---
 docs/glu.html             |   19 ++--
 docs/helpwanted.html      |   25 +++---
 docs/index.html           |    8 +-
 docs/install.html         |   59 ++++++-------
 docs/intro.html           |   35 ++++----
 docs/libraries.html       |   20 +++--
 docs/license.html         |   23 +++---
 docs/lists.html           |   42 ++++-----
 docs/llvmpipe.html        |   37 ++++----
 docs/mangling.html        |   23 +++---
 docs/modelers.html        |   20 +++--
 docs/news.html            |  214 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 docs/opengles.html        |   13 ++--
 docs/openvg.html          |   21 ++---
 docs/osmesa.html          |   25 +++---
 docs/perf.html            |   23 +++---
 docs/postprocess.html     |   23 +++---
 docs/precompiled.html     |   21 +++--
 docs/relnotes-6.4.1.html  |    2 +-
 docs/relnotes-6.5.2.html  |    2 +-
 docs/relnotes-7.1.html    |    2 +-
 docs/relnotes-7.10.1.html |    4 +-
 docs/relnotes-7.10.3.html |    6 +-
 docs/relnotes-7.10.html   |   12 ++--
 docs/relnotes-7.11.html   |    2 +-
 docs/relnotes-7.9.1.html  |    8 +-
 docs/relnotes-7.9.2.html  |    1 -
 docs/relnotes-8.0.2.html  |    2 +-
 docs/relnotes-8.0.3.html  |    4 +-
 docs/relnotes.html        |  161 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 docs/repository.html      |   37 ++++----
 docs/science.html         |   24 +++---
 docs/shading.html         |   55 +++++-------
 docs/sourcedocs.html      |   29 +++---
 docs/sourcetree.html      |   19 ++--
 docs/subset-A.html        |   18 ++---
 docs/subset.html          |   21 +++--
 docs/systems.html         |   23 +++---
 docs/thanks.html          |   35 ++++----
 docs/utilities.html       |   19 ++--
 docs/utility.html         |   19 ++--
 docs/versions.html        |   89 +++++++++----------
 docs/viewperf.html        |   19 ++--
 docs/vmware-guest.html    |   18 ++--
 docs/webmaster.html       |   19 ++--
 docs/xlibdriver.html      |   35 ++++----
 61 files changed, 930 insertions(+), 949 deletions(-)

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