For a few weeks now I am working on implementing Vulkan for VideoCore 6 AKA 42 
(using V3D/DRM). Don't hold you breath ;)

Currently I am trying to understand what is necessary or how to interact with 
V3D. So I am looking at TransformFeedback because it interacts with quite a few 
other parts of the pipeline and still seems less mangled into the big logic 
than other features. So I am comparing how Gallium (V3D) is handling TF in the 
state tracker VS how Vulkan (Intel) is handling the Extension.
The following is what I so far think I gathered:
1. GV3D is handling TransformFeedback directly with other bound parts of the 
pipeline (e.g. `emit_state` in _v3dx_emit.c_). It seems to look into the shader 
and associated TF specs. It seems to use "streamout targets", although I do not 
yet understand what these are really. Then it passes all the offsets, indices 
and finally resources to V3D.
2. The Vulkan Extension only knows about CounterBuffers and iterates over 
these. Intel seems to call TF -> XF? and subsequently the buffers XFB. Have 
also not yet gathered what is the difference and what all the gazillion 
acronyms mean.
So far my idea would be to implement TF similar to Intel and instead of 
iterating over "streamout targets" I would iterate XFBs.
The problem with this approach is, that it will not be easy to mimic `cl_emit` 
calls similar to Gallium.
My question now is which parts of V3D emits have a dependency.
I would assume that I can move TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SPECS and 
TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ENABLE to cmd state flush in Vulkan.
`vkCmdBeginTransformFeedbackEXT` shoudl then only need 
Sorry if this is a bit confusing - I am really just trying to figure this out 
one by one.
Any information would be appreciated.
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