On Mon, Jun 04, 2012 at 01:11:13PM -0700, Ian Romanick wrote:
> From: Ian Romanick <ian.d.roman...@intel.com>
> In single precision, 1.5707963 becomes 1.5707962513 which is too
> small.  However, 1.5707964 becomes 1.5707963705 which is just right.
> The value 1.5707964 is already used in asin.ir.
> NOTE: This is a candidate for stable release branches.
If piglit stops bitching on that partical problem thanks to such a
small change, it's just beautiful.

Do we need a better precision atan, or should piglit just be told to
shutup?  The shutup patch has been sent it ages ago, but I can't do
the "more precision" one if that's what's wanted.


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