On 2019-07-31 11:47 p.m., Eric Engestrom wrote:
> On Wednesday, 2019-07-31 16:07:45 +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote:
>> On 2019-07-31 3:26 p.m., Emil Velikov wrote:
>>> On Wed, 31 Jul 2019 at 14:16, Michel Dänzer <mic...@daenzer.net> wrote:
>>>> On 2019-07-31 3:04 p.m., Emil Velikov wrote:
>>>>> From: Emil Velikov <emil.veli...@collabora.com>
>>>>> Currently we use the python package to manage repositories. At the same
>>>>> time we also do that by hand - since it's a trivial echo to a file.
>>>>> Stay consistent, remove the package and manage things manually.
>>>>> Cc: Eric Engestrom <eric.engest...@intel.com>
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Emil Velikov <emil.veli...@collabora.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  .gitlab-ci/debian-install.sh | 11 +++++------
>>>>>  1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/.gitlab-ci/debian-install.sh b/.gitlab-ci/debian-install.sh
>>>>> index 578074ddb87..719d7830018 100644
>>>>> --- a/.gitlab-ci/debian-install.sh
>>>>> +++ b/.gitlab-ci/debian-install.sh
>>>>> @@ -16,12 +16,11 @@ apt-get install -y \
>>>>>        curl \
>>>>>        wget \
>>>>>        unzip \
>>>>> -      gnupg \
>>>>> -      software-properties-common
>>>>> +      gnupg
>>>>>  curl -fsSL https://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key | apt-key add -
>>>>> -add-apt-repository "deb https://apt.llvm.org/stretch/ 
>>>>> llvm-toolchain-stretch-7 main"
>>>>> -add-apt-repository "deb https://apt.llvm.org/stretch/ 
>>>>> llvm-toolchain-stretch-8 main"
>>>>> +echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://apt.llvm.org/stretch/ 
>>>>> llvm-toolchain-stretch-7 main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm7.list
>>>>> +echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://apt.llvm.org/stretch/ 
>>>>> llvm-toolchain-stretch-8 main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm8.list
>>>>>  sed -i -e 's/http:\/\/deb/https:\/\/deb/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
>>>>>  echo 'deb https://deb.debian.org/debian stretch-backports main' 
>>>>> >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
>>>>> @@ -46,8 +45,8 @@ apt-get install -y -t stretch-backports \
>>>>>        clang-8
>>>>>  # Install remaining packages from Debian buster to get newer versions
>>>>> -add-apt-repository "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ buster main"
>>>>> -add-apt-repository "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ buster-updates 
>>>>> main"
>>>>> +echo "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ buster main" 
>>>>> >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster.list
>>>>> +echo "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ buster-updates main" 
>>>>> >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster-updates.list
>>>>>  apt-get update
>>>>>  apt-get install -y \
>>>>>        bzip2 \
>>>> This should be merged as part of an MR which requires the docker image
>>>> to be re-generated for another reason, and thus bumps DEBIAN_TAG.
>>> Since this is a non-functional change, I've explicitly omitted bumping
>>> the DEBIAN_TAG.
>>> Seemingly I forgot to mention it in the commit message though, oopsie.
>>> Since the image will contain practically the same artefacts, is it
>>> worth carving out 30 minutes (or so) from the runners?
>> No, I agree that would be wasteful for this change alone.
>> However, merging this change without bumping the tag isn't good either,
>> because then any issues with it would only be discovered the next time
>> it does get bumped. Hence my request above.
> I agree with Michel here, it's better to waste a re-gen now and notice
> any issue right away.

That's not exactly what I'm saying though. :)

If you don't want to merge this together with other changes which bump
the tag, how about:

* Create an MR with an additional commit which bumps the tag
* Wait for the CI pipeline to come back green
* Force-push to the source branch without the additional commit, and
  merge the MR
* Remove the ephemeral docker image from

The CI pipeline information including the log of the job which generated
the ephemeral docker image will remain accessible.

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |              https://www.amd.com
Libre software enthusiast             |             Mesa and X developer
mesa-dev mailing list

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