In a fragment shader, r0 is written out with a special branch sequence.
r0 is not a real register here, but essentially a pipeline register --
as such, it needs to be written out in full and on time, with hanging
dependencies in the bundle. Otherwise, we break up the bundle, which
costs an extra ALU cycle and adds a move.

When the scheduler ran last thing, we could do this analysis within the
scheduler. Now that RA can run after scheduling, that's no longer valid,
so we remove the analysis and always break it up (at a performance
penalty). Future work can add a post-RA/post-schedule pass to merge
writeout blocks if possible. It's a bit of a low-priority next to fixing
conformance regressions, of course.

Signed-off-by: Alyssa Rosenzweig <>
 .../panfrost/midgard/midgard_schedule.c       | 89 +++++--------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/panfrost/midgard/midgard_schedule.c 
index 1a562af8142..9d4ce2a97d5 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/panfrost/midgard/midgard_schedule.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/panfrost/midgard/midgard_schedule.c
@@ -288,75 +288,28 @@ schedule_bundle(compiler_context *ctx, midgard_block 
*block, midgard_instruction
                                  * the branch writeout */
                                 if (ains->writeout) {
-                                        if (index == 0) {
-                                                /* Inject a move */
-                                                midgard_instruction ins = 
v_fmov(0, blank_alu_src, SSA_FIXED_REGISTER(0));
-                                                ins.unit = UNIT_VMUL;
-                                                control |= ins.unit;
-                                                /* TODO don't leak */
-                                                midgard_instruction *move =
-                                                        mem_dup(&ins, 
-                                                bytes_emitted += 
-                                                bytes_emitted += 
bundle.instructions[packed_idx++] = move;
-                                        } else {
-                                                /* Analyse the group to see if 
r0 is written in full, on-time, without hanging dependencies */
-                                                bool written_late = false;
-                                                bool components[4] = { 0 };
-                                                uint16_t register_dep_mask = 0;
-                                                uint16_t written_mask = 0;
-                                                midgard_instruction *qins = 
-                                                for (int t = 0; t < index; 
++t) {
-                                                        if 
(qins->registers.out_reg != 0) {
-                                                                /* Mark down 
writes */
-                                                                written_mask 
|= (1 << qins->registers.out_reg);
-                                                        } else {
-                                                                /* Mark down 
the register dependencies for errata check */
-                                                                if 
(qins->registers.src1_reg < 16)
register_dep_mask |= (1 << qins->registers.src1_reg);
-                                                                if 
(qins->registers.src2_reg < 16)
register_dep_mask |= (1 << qins->registers.src2_reg);
-                                                                int mask = 
-                                                                for (int c = 
0; c < 4; ++c)
-                                                                        if 
(mask & (0x3 << (2 * c)))
 components[c] = true;
-                                                                /* ..but if 
the writeout is too late, we have to break up anyway... for some reason */
-                                                                if (qins->unit 
written_late = true;
-                                                        }
-                                                        /* Advance instruction 
pointer */
-                                                        qins = 
-                                                }
-                                                /* Register dependencies of r0 
must be out of fragment writeout bundle */
-                                                if (register_dep_mask & 
-                                                        break;
-                                                if (written_late)
-                                                        break;
-                                                /* If even a single component 
is not written, break it up (conservative check). */
-                                                bool breakup = false;
-                                                for (int c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
-                                                        if (!components[c])
-                                                                breakup = true;
-                                                if (breakup)
-                                                        break;
+                                        /* The rules for when "bare" writeout
+                                         * is safe are when all components are
+                                         * r0 are written out in the final
+                                         * bundle, earlier than VLUT, where any
+                                         * register dependencies of r0 are from
+                                         * an earlier bundle. We can't verify
+                                         * this before RA, so we don't try. */
+                                        if (index != 0)
+                                                break;
-                                                /* Otherwise, we're free to 
proceed */
-                                        }
+                                        /* Inject a move */
+                                        midgard_instruction ins = v_fmov(0, 
blank_alu_src, SSA_FIXED_REGISTER(0));
+                                        ins.unit = UNIT_VMUL;
+                                        control |= ins.unit;
+                                        /* TODO don't leak */
+                                        midgard_instruction *move =
+                                                mem_dup(&ins, 
+                                        bytes_emitted += 
+                                        bytes_emitted += 
+                                        bundle.instructions[packed_idx++] = 
                                 if (ains->unit == ALU_ENAB_BRANCH) {

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