> +     __u32 out_sync;

Why __u32 instead of u32 or uint32_t? I don't think we use the prefixed
types anywhere else.

> +     int (*init_context) (struct panfrost_context *ctx);
> +     void (*fence_reference) (struct pipe_screen *screen,
> +                         struct pipe_fence_handle **ptr,
> +                         struct pipe_fence_handle *fence);
> +     boolean (*fence_finish) (struct pipe_screen *screen,
> +                      struct pipe_context *ctx,
> +                      struct pipe_fence_handle *fence,
> +                      uint64_t timeout);

How should these be implemented on the non-DRM backend? If I just stub
out the corresponding routines, should everything work alright? (If
that's the case, then I'll do that; nothing you need to worry about. But
I'm not up to date on how fencing works on mainline.)

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