On Fri, 11 May 2012 14:25:45 -0700, Ian Romanick <i...@freedesktop.org> wrote:
> On 05/10/2012 04:10 PM, Kenneth Graunke wrote:
> > This lets you omit some ampersands and is more idiomatic C++.  Using
> > const also marks the function as not altering either register (which
> > was obvious, but nice to enforce).
> I'm increasingly *not* a fan of this sort of weird infix notation. 
> Infix notation really only "reads" if operator symbols are used.  I'd 
> much rather have a friend function.  Instead of
>      if (foo.equals(bar)) {
>      }
> I'd much rather see
>      if (equal(foo, bar)) {
>      }
> But that's just this programmers opinion.
> Since you're keeping the style of the code as it existed,
> Reviewed-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.roman...@intel.com>

As the author of the equals function, I totally agree.

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