We user only a fraction (approximatelly 1/4) of the API - generate only

This way, we spend less time processing and generate smaller file. This
also removes the need for hacks needed for compiling files bootstrapped
with another LLVM version.

Cc: Alok Hota <alok.h...@intel.com>
Cc: Bruce Cherniak <bruce.chern...@intel.com>
Cc: mesa-sta...@lists.freedesktop.org
Signed-off-by: Emil Velikov <emil.l.veli...@gmail.com>
 .../rasterizer/codegen/gen_llvm_ir_macros.py  | 226 +++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 136 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/swr/rasterizer/codegen/gen_llvm_ir_macros.py 
index 485403ae1ec..16872411408 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/swr/rasterizer/codegen/gen_llvm_ir_macros.py
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/swr/rasterizer/codegen/gen_llvm_ir_macros.py
@@ -41,6 +41,72 @@ inst_aliases = {
     'BIN_OP': 'BINOP',
+used_functions = [
+    'CreateAdd',
+    'CreateAlloca',
+    'CreateAnd',
+    'CreateAShr',
+    'CreateBitCast',
+    'CreateBr',
+    'CreateCall',
+    'CreateCast',
+    'CreateCondBr',
+    'CreateExtractElement',
+    'CreateFAdd',
+    'CreateFCmpOEQ',
+    'CreateFCmpOGE',
+    'CreateFCmpOGT',
+    'CreateFCmpOLE',
+    'CreateFCmpOLT',
+    'CreateFCmpONE',
+    'CreateFDiv',
+    'CreateFMul',
+    'CreateFPExt',
+    'CreateFPToSI',
+    'CreateFPToUI',
+    'CreateFPTrunc',
+    'CreateFSub',
+    'CreateICmpEQ',
+    'CreateICmpNE',
+    'CreateICmpSGT',
+    'CreateICmpSLE',
+    'CreateICmpSLT',
+    'CreateICmpUGE',
+    'CreateICmpUGT',
+    'CreateICmpULE',
+    'CreateICmpULT',
+    'CreateInBoundsGEP',
+    'CreateInsertElement',
+    'CreateInsertElement',
+    'CreateIntToPtr',
+    'CreateLShr',
+    'CreateMaskedGather',
+    'CreateMaskedStore',
+    'CreateMemSet',
+    'CreateMul',
+    'CreateNot',
+    'CreateOr',
+    'CreatePHI',
+    'CreatePointerCast',
+    'CreatePtrToInt',
+    'CreateRetVoid',
+    'CreateSDiv',
+    'CreateSelect',
+    'CreateSExt',
+    'CreateShl',
+    'CreateShuffleVector',
+    'CreateSIToFP',
+    'CreateStore',
+    'CreateSub',
+    'CreateTrunc',
+    'CreateUDiv',
+    'CreateUIToFP',
+    'CreateURem',
+    'CreateVectorSplat',
+    'CreateXor',
+    'CreateZExt',
 intrinsics = [
     ['VGATHERPD',   ['src', 'pBase', 'indices', 'mask', 'scale'], 'src'],
     ['VGATHERPS',   ['src', 'pBase', 'indices', 'mask', 'scale'], 'src'],
@@ -100,97 +166,77 @@ def parse_ir_builder(input_file):
         line = lines[idx].rstrip()
         idx += 1
-        #match = re.search(r'\*Create', line)
         match = re.search(r'[\*\s]Create(\w*)\(', line)
-        if match is not None:
-            #print('Line: %s' % match.group(1))
-            if re.search(r'^\s*Create', line) is not None:
-                func_sig = lines[idx-2].rstrip() + line
-            else:
-                func_sig = line
-            end_of_args = False
-            while not end_of_args:
-                end_paren = re.search(r'\)', line)
-                if end_paren is not None:
-                    end_of_args = True
-                else:
-                    line = lines[idx].rstrip()
-                    func_sig += line
-                    idx += 1
-            delfunc = re.search(r'LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION|= delete;', func_sig)
-            if not delfunc:
-                func = re.search(r'(.*?)\*[\n\s]*(Create\w*)\((.*?)\)', 
-                if func is not None:
-                    return_type = func.group(1).strip() + '*'
-                    func_name = func.group(2)
-                    arguments = func.group(3)
-                    func_args = []
-                    arg_names = []
-                    args = arguments.split(',')
-                    for arg in args:
-                        arg = arg.strip()
-                        if arg:
-                            func_args.append(arg)
-                            split_args = arg.split('=')
-                            arg_name = split_args[0].rsplit(None, 1)[-1]
-                            reg_arg = re.search(r'[\&\*]*(\w*)', arg_name)
-                            if reg_arg:
-                                arg_names += [reg_arg.group(1)]
-                    ignore = False
-                    # The following functions need to be ignored in openswr.
-                    # API change in llvm-5.0 breaks baked autogen files
-                    if (
-                        (func_name == 'CreateFence' or
-                         func_name == 'CreateAtomicCmpXchg' or
-                         func_name == 'CreateAtomicRMW')):
-                        ignore = True
-                    # The following functions need to be ignored.
-                    if (func_name == 'CreateInsertNUWNSWBinOp' or
-                        func_name == 'CreateMaskedIntrinsic' or
-                        func_name == 'CreateAlignmentAssumptionHelper' or
-                        func_name == 'CreateGEP' or
-                        func_name == 'CreateLoad' or
-                        func_name == 'CreateMaskedLoad' or
-                        func_name == 'CreateElementUnorderedAtomicMemCpy'):
-                        ignore = True
-                    # Convert CamelCase to CAMEL_CASE
-                    func_mod = re.search(r'Create(\w*)', func_name)
-                    if func_mod:
-                        func_mod = func_mod.group(1)
-                        func_mod = convert_uppercamel(func_mod)
-                        if func_mod[0:2] == 'F_' or func_mod[0:2] == 'I_':
-                            func_mod = func_mod[0] + func_mod[2:]
-                    # Substitute alias based on CAMEL_CASE name.
-                    func_alias = inst_aliases.get(func_mod)
-                    if not func_alias:
-                        func_alias = func_mod
-                        if func_name == 'CreateCall' or func_name == 
-                            arglist = re.search(r'ArrayRef', ', 
-                            if arglist:
-                                func_alias = func_alias + 'A'
-                    if not ignore:
-                        functions.append({
-                                'name'      : func_name,
-                                'alias'     : func_alias,
-                                'return'    : return_type,
-                                'args'      : ', '.join(func_args),
-                                'arg_names' : arg_names,
-                            })
+        if match is None:
+            continue
+        if re.search(r'^\s*Create', line) is not None:
+            func_sig = lines[idx-2].rstrip() + line
+        else:
+            func_sig = line
+        while True:
+            end_paren = re.search(r'\)', line)
+            if end_paren is not None:
+                break
+            line = lines[idx].rstrip()
+            func_sig += line
+            idx += 1
+        delfunc = re.search(r'LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION|= delete;', func_sig)
+        if delfunc:
+            continue
+        func = re.search(r'(.*?)\*[\n\s]*(Create\w*)\((.*?)\)', func_sig)
+        if func is None:
+            continue
+        return_type = func.group(1).strip() + '*'
+        func_name = func.group(2)
+        arguments = func.group(3)
+        # Skip functions we don't care about
+        if func_name not in used_functions:
+            continue
+        func_args = []
+        arg_names = []
+        args = arguments.split(',')
+        for arg in args:
+            arg = arg.strip()
+            if arg:
+                func_args.append(arg)
+                split_args = arg.split('=')
+                arg_name = split_args[0].rsplit(None, 1)[-1]
+                reg_arg = re.search(r'[\&\*]*(\w*)', arg_name)
+                if reg_arg:
+                    arg_names += [reg_arg.group(1)]
+        # Convert CamelCase to CAMEL_CASE
+        func_mod = convert_uppercamel(func_name.replace('Create', ''))
+        if func_mod[0:2] == 'F_' or func_mod[0:2] == 'I_':
+            func_mod = func_mod[0] + func_mod[2:]
+        # Substitute alias based on CAMEL_CASE name.
+        func_alias = inst_aliases.get(func_mod)
+        if not func_alias:
+            func_alias = func_mod
+            if func_name == 'CreateCall':
+                arglist = re.search(r'ArrayRef', ', '.join(func_args))
+                if arglist:
+                    func_alias = func_alias + 'A'
+        functions.append({
+                            'name'      : func_name,
+                            'alias'     : func_alias,
+                            'return'    : return_type,
+                            'args'      : ', '.join(func_args),
+                            'arg_names' : arg_names,
+                        })
     return functions

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