On Sat, 12 Jan 2019 12:10:42 +0100
apinheiro <apinhe...@igalia.com> wrote:

> On 11/1/19 18:05, Jason Ekstrand wrote:
> >  5. There's no way with gitlab for Reviewed-by tags to get
> > automatically applied as part of the merging process.  This makes
> > merging a bit more manual than it needs to be but is really no worse
> > than it was before.  
> Well, I would say that it slightly worse. For small series, it is true
> that I manually added the Rb when I got a review. But for big series,
> when it got reviewed, I used patchwork to get back the series, but with
> the Rb in place.


I thought I'd share a couple of scripts I tend to use:

$ git append-message origin/master..HEAD

will open an editor and add anything you write to the end of all the
commits in the given range on the current branch. Nice for adding R-b
tags in a batch to the whole branch.

$ git fetch-mr 77
$ git fetch-mr origin 77

both will fetch the MR number 77 from the remote "origin" as a new
local branch "mr-origin-77", and if such named branch already exists,
the old one gets renamed to "mr-origin-77-old". It will abort if the
-old branch already exists as well.

I do much of my patch review in gitk and my editor, so fetching the MR
branch is useful. Since I have the -old branch, I can very easily see
what changed compared to the last time I reviewed it.


Attachment: git-append-message
Description: Binary data

Attachment: git-fetch-mr
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpmeMh3lXVzL.pgp
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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