Hello Stuart, 

Am Donnerstag, den 20.12.2018, 13:40 +1100 schrieb Stuart Young:
> Gert/Ilia,
> Could this be reduced this from an error to a warning, with the
> command-line option suppressing the warning?
> Perhaps as well as producing the warning, the build could sleep for
> say 30 seconds after producing the warning message. This would be
> noticeable if you're building it yourself (which would definitely get
> the message out there), but wouldn't stop automated build processes
> (as it's not stopping, just sleeping).
> At a later date (when meson has more exposure) then perhaps we could
> move from a warning to an error.

I would agree to that, at least it would bring us forward to give a
proper warning to users before autotools is deleted. If, you Ilia could
 agree to such an approach I would propose a new patch, 


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