On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 7:11 AM, Mathias Fröhlich
<mathias.froehl...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi Marek,
> On Saturday, May 05, 2012 22:12:51 Marek Olšák wrote:
>> could somebody please take a look at this series? It changes a couple
>> of things in gl_context and the vbo module.
>> The other two patches are:
>> [PATCH 2/3] mesa: move gl_client_array*[] from vbo_draw_func into gl_context
>> [PATCH 3/3] mesa: add gl_context::NewDriverState and use it for vertex
>> arrays
> I am probably the wrong one to give a architectural ack for the series since I
> am only a part time worker in some corners.
> But I can tell what I had in mind in this area when I did the last changes.
> You are partly heading in the same direction with moving the client array as
> state into mesa.
> My plan was:
> Do draws in terms of a gl_array_object that is active for draw. That would
> play the role of your bare client array pointer currently. For the immediate
> mode save and exec context code paths we would use a hidden array object that
> is used on a drivers call code path. For the OpenGL api's draw arrays we would
> use the contexts gl_array_object for draws.
> In my plan the client_array should be located in the gl_array_object.
> Therefore the NewArray bitfield also moved to gl_array_object recently. You 
> can
> then there build up a self contained set of methods on the gl_array_object to
> update its state and track the dirty bits in the NewArray bitfield also in
> combination with the Enabled bitfield where we can play a lot of tricks with
> the bitfields to reduce a lot of loops iterating all 33 arrays with loops only
> working on the changed arrays.
> For the drivers side I think that we can get rid of the client_array
> completely for the gallium side. To do that, I wanted to derive a
> st_array_object and a classic_array_object from gl_array_object. The
> client_array in its current form could then move into the classic_array_object
> where we can still play intelligent games with the bitfields to cut down the
> length 33 loops int the fast draw path. But the st_array_object would only
> have space for pipe_vertex_{buffer,elements} in addition to the fields from 
> the
> base gl_array_object class. These elements could then be incrementally updated
> using the NewArray and Enabled bitfields and applied to the gallium state when
> needed.

As far as the gallium side is concerned, I don't think the array
object can fully encapsulate vertex buffers and vertex elements. Those
two also depend on the vertex shader, because vertex buffer bindings
currently map 1:1 to vertex elements unless the vertex attribs are
interleaved (though that can be changed), and vertex elements always
map 1:1 to vertex shader inputs. Whether it's worth to break the
dependency between those states is questionable. I think that binding
32 vertex buffers and letting vertex elements decide which buffers to
use would be a disaster for our CPU performance. Who knows. All in
all, I've got no idea how to take advantage of array objects in
st/mesa, because it doesn't seem to map to gallium well. Maybe you
guys know better.

> Given that I think that I would prefer to have the client_array (not the
> pointer to the first element) itself in the gl_array_object. And the role of
> your gl_client_array** pointer would be replaced by a gl_array_object pointer
> with the same three instances (drawelements api path, vbo_exec, vbo_save)
> around that your patch uses for the *gl_client_array[].

I'd prefer to leave this change to another patch series and keep this
series simple.

> The benefit would be that you could probably encapsulate the the array state
> tracking completely into this subobject, track changes using nifty bitfields
> using ffs based way smaller loops and only track changes to the 
> gl_array_object
> draw pointer at the context toplevel.
> So, for my interrest, what are your further plans beyond this change?

Concerning core Mesa, I'd like to use gl_context::DriverFlags for more
states than just vertex arrays. I'll probably do blend state next.

I don't have any other plans for core Mesa at the moment.

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