On 3.12.2018 20.54, Dylan Baker wrote:
> Quoting Timo Aaltonen (2018-12-03 10:36:12)
>> On 3.12.2018 20.25, Emil Velikov wrote:
>>> On Mon, 3 Dec 2018 at 17:49, Dylan Baker <dy...@pnwbakers.com> wrote:
>>>> Quoting Emil Velikov (2018-12-03 07:54:38)
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> On Thu, 29 Nov 2018 at 17:44, Emil Velikov <emil.l.veli...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I can see why people may opt to not use or maintain the autotools build.
>>>>>> Although I would kindly ask that we do not remove it just yet.
>>>>>> In Mesa, we have different parts not used by different teams. As such
>>>>>> we tend to remove stuff when nobody is around to maintain it anymore.
>>>>>> That said, I'm planning to continue maintaining it and would appreciate
>>>>>> if we keep it in-tree.
>>>>>> As people may be concerned about bugreports and alike we can trivially
>>>>>> add a warning (as configure is invoked) to forwards any issues to my
>>>>>> email. Additionally (or alternatively) we can have an autotools bugzilla
>>>>>> category with me as the default assignee.
>>>>> Seems like I failed to make things clear enough with earlier message.
>>>>> There is _no_ expectation for anyone to touch or even look at autotools.
>>>>> Hence, my suggestion to have configure.ac point people to me in case of 
>>>>> issues.
>>>>> If people have CI that uses it - feel free to drop it.
>>>> I've tried to stay out of this discussion, because everyone knows my 
>>>> opinion,
>>>> and I feel I don't have much to add, however...
>>>>> That said, many have asked why I'd go through the pain of maintaining it:
>>>>>  - Most Linux distributions have switched, but there'still a few 
>>>>> outstanding
>>>>>  - Non Linux distributions have not switched
>>>> Haiku has at least :)
>>> \o/
>> And Debian too (in experimental). Ubuntu will follow once the final is
>> out and it build everywhere. There's a build failure on ppc64el, btw:
>> https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=mesa&arch=ppc64el&ver=18.3.0%7Erc5-1&stamp=1543575640&raw=0
>>>>>  - The meson build is missing features, relative the autotools one
>>>> The only feature that I know that meson does not have relative to 
>>>> autotools is
>>>> the gl mangling stuff (which is intentional, we'll add it if someone shows 
>>>> up
>>>> with a need for it). Everything else is either intentionally not 
>>>> implemented
>>>> (GLX TLS toggling for example, which meson hardcodes on for OSes that 
>>>> support
>>>> it, and off for those that don't).
>>> On top of the TLS and symbol mangling (for which I agree) there is:
>>>  - disable direct glx - non linux people use this
>> This seems to work, at least on Hurd:
>> diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
>> index 33f4e5ad3cf..90cc0bb3af2 100644
>> --- a/meson.build
>> +++ b/meson.build
>> @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ with_tests = get_option('build-tests')
>>  with_valgrind = get_option('valgrind')
>>  with_libunwind = get_option('libunwind')
>>  with_asm = get_option('asm')
>> +with_glx_direct= get_option('glx-direct')
>>  with_glx_read_only_text = get_option('glx-read-only-text')
>>  with_osmesa = get_option('osmesa')
>>  with_swr_arches = get_option('swr-arches')
>> @@ -370,9 +371,6 @@ if with_glvnd
>>    endif
>>  endif
>> -# TODO: toggle for this
>> -with_glx_direct = true
>> -
>>  if with_vulkan_icd_dir == ''
>>    with_vulkan_icd_dir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'vulkan/icd.d')
>>  endif
>> diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
>> index a1d5ab0e185..4d5f36bf33d 100644
>> --- a/meson_options.txt
>> +++ b/meson_options.txt
>> @@ -205,6 +205,12 @@ option(
>>    choices : ['auto', 'disabled', 'dri', 'xlib', 'gallium-xlib'],
>>    description : 'Build support for GLX platform'
>>  )
>> +option(
>> +  'glx-direct',
>> +  type : 'boolean',
>> +  value : 'true',
>> +  description : 'Enable direct rendering in GLX and EGL for DRI'
>> +)
>>  option(
>>    'egl',
>>    type : 'combo',
> I'm glad that this actually worked :) I tried to wire up direct glx so adding 
> a
> toggle would be easy if we needed it. Do you need this for Hurd Timo?

Yep, it also needs -D_GNU_SOURCE which hopefully is fixed by this:

--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ if cc.compiles('int foo(void) __attribut
 # TODO: this is very incomplete
-if ['linux', 'cygwin'].contains(host_machine.system())
+if ['linux', 'linux-gnu', 'cygwin', 'gnu'].contains(host_machine.system())
   pre_args += '-D_GNU_SOURCE'

(to match configure.ac) 

And that ppc64el build fail might be because it for some reason doesn't seem to 


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